What are your dreams telling you?

Do you lucid dream or have a dream journal? I have always had an interesting dream life and have solved problems in my sleep, but I don’t think I can actually have a lucid dream. But if you can remember your dreams, make sure you take note, for they are surely telling you something you need to hear.  If you wake up and can remember what you were dreaming about it is helpful to write it down immediately. Google has plenty of tips on how to remember your dreams better.

The reason why I brought this up is that I had a very interesting dream. The heat wave in SoCal isn’t as bad and I actually managed to catch up on some lost sleep. But when the alarm went off for work, I remembered my dream that I was in. The dream took place in a very science fiction type setting of which I was part of the supportive cast. My role was to write everything down. That was very important. It did not matter if I had to use crayons, pencils, anything. I was so focused and obsessed with this need to write down what was happening. This was conveyed over and over again.

Most messages in our dreams are not quite this obvious, but who am I to argue. First thing I did (after having some coffee) was write the story down. I like it and I think it has potential. So now I have my next writing project, and obviously my subconscious thinks I need to write more.

How about you? Have you had any inspirations from your dreams?

Have a great day.



Quick Links: On Writing Dreams and Nightmares

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On Writing Dreams and Nightmares

elementsSo I got a question semi-recently from a reader about writing dreams and nightmares. I found this an especially interesting question, both because I was surprised I hadn’t covered it, especially given I’ve written a ton of dream sequences for various projects, including Beyond the Red.

Dreams are really interesting, and when done well, a dream or nightmare in a book can convey a few things:

  • Flashback/memory. Dream sequences can be a great way to flash back to or hint at an event from your POV character’s life, especially if it’s a traumatic event. Dreams are sometimes the way the brain processes difficult-to-process life things, and in writing they can be an organic way to look back at an important event in your POV character’s life.

  • A character’s fears, desires, or something they’re struggling with. I’m sure just about every one of you have dreamed about something you wanted, or something you were afraid of, or something you were sad about, or someone you missed, etc., etc. Likewise, in books, dreams can be a way to show character emotion—especially emotion that your POV character is trying to bury.
Read the full post on {Writability}

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