Quick Link: Stupid Advice I Have Taken about Writing

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That’s the danger of reading advice on the web, you have to be careful about the quality. Even really good writers can give conflicting suggestions. But there are some words of wisdom that you would have been better off never reading. At Writer UnBoxed, author Louie Cronin shares some of rules he wishes he never followed.

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Stupid Advice I Have Taken about Writing

by Louie Cronin

When I was 31, I retired from a “good” job as an audio engineer at ABC in San Francisco to write a novel. (“Good” for an engineer, hell for a writer.) I was the first engineer across the US to take ABC’s seemingly generous offer: one year’s salary to get lost. How could any writer turn that down? How could it take longer than a year to write a novel?

Right after I retired, I got on a plane to Boston. (The novel could wait; first I had to visit my parents.) The shaggy-haired, famous-looking, cigarillo-smoking man seated next to me asked what I did for a living. (Funny how men were so interested in my career back then.)

“I just quit my job to write a novel,” I said, beaming.

He raised an eyebrow. “Really?” Turns out he had connections in the writing world. Lucky me! I was so excited I forgot to press him for details.

“Have you written anything before?” he asked.

“In high school,” I said. “And a little in college.”

“Ever published?”

“Uh, no.”

“Do you write every day?”

Read the full post on Writer UnBoxed









