The Ultimate Guide to Book Trailers: How To Produce a Killer Book Promo Video

Book trailers are a great way to get future readers interested in your story, especially if you do it the right way. With the algorithm changes on Facebook, you actually will get more results if you can use video to reach people.

The Ultimate Guide to Book Trailers: How To Produce a Killer Book Promo Video

By Julia Drake

Consider these stats: Video racks up over 22 billion daily views. It increases the organic reach of social media content by over 100%, compared to photos or text. It ranks toward the top of the first page in Google searches, is popular across demographics, and builds an instant emotional connection with your audience.

No wonder publishers and authors are increasingly leveraging video to tap into an exploding audience. But as much as a good book promo video makes that lasting first impression, a bad video is like a bad book cover—it cannot be unseen and can ruin a reader’s expectation of a book before they’ve even had a chance to crack into that first page. To help you avoid this pitfall, here are some key considerations and steps to successfully produce and distribute a book trailer that sells your work:

What’s the big deal with video?

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