Give what you promise.

I just finished a book, one I won’t name because I don’t want to be mean. The problem is that the book was really good, at least for the first half.  You could tell where the writer either had a deadline or just gave up. I hate that.

It happens sometimes when I play an online game or even in some movies where they changed directors/programmers or hit a deadline and shoved the product out the door. The 1999 remake of the classic 1963 horror movie The Haunting is a perfect example. The original is very suspenseful and keeps you wondering what is going on and who you can trust. The remake started off really good, but if you have seen the 1999 version there is a very clear moment when you can tell they said f’this and decided to go with special effects gimmicks. Too sad, as it ruined the movie! Nothing against special effects, I love a good effects movie and sometimes really bad ones. The thing is to give what you promise.

We have a contract with the people who buy our writing or our services. With writing, you either need to keep the pace or increase the pace, especially because it is hard enough to get people to do nice things and write good reviews. But nothing motivates a reader to write a bad review faster than being disappointed because you didn’t deliver what you promised.

What about you? Have you found any stories or movies where you can tell when someone gave up? Share!

Have a great day!

