Self-Publishing Success Story: Roz Morris, British Indie Author

It is always nice to hear from people who have made it and maybe find out how they managed to become successful. With that in mind, here is today’s offering from the Alliance of Independent Authors.

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Self-Publishing Success Story: Roz Morris, British Indie Author

In this post we turn our Success Story spotlight on British phenomenon Roz Morris, who has come out of the shadows as a ghostwriter to emerge as an acclaimed self-published novelist in her own right, as well as diversifying into other genres. She’s also an authoritative writing coach via her series of how-to books about novel-writing. Here she shares her top tips drawing on her own multi-faceted experiences, including:

  • drawing inspiration from other art forms
  • having the courage to diversify will draw readers to your work in other genres
  • following the processes practiced by traditional publishing houses to make your self-published books the best they can be


View the full post at Alliance of Independent Authors!


Quick Links: Self-Publishing Success Stories: How I Do It – with John Nicholl

Quick links, bringing you great articles on writing from all over the web.

Another success story in the world of self-publishing! Check out the interview with the bestselling author of three dark psychological thrillers, John Nicholl at the Alliance Of Independent Authors.

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Self-Publishing Success Stories: How I Do It – with John Nicholl

What is the secret of your success?

I sometimes think more luck than judgement!

Writing my first book, White is the Coldest Colour, was a steep learning curve. I was contacted by Sue Ward, a popular blogger, shortly after publication. She loved the book, and it progressed from there.

Within fifteen days of release, it was flying up the Amazon UK bestseller chart. Not everyone liked the book, of course, but I think that writing from real life experience contributed to its success.

I’ve been extremely fortunate in that the book blogging community has been supportive of all three books. That makes a real difference.

What was the single best thing you ever did?

I think deciding to become an independent author in the first place.

The publishing world has changed, and it’s never been easier to get your work out there. Let the public decide if your books are worth buying. Being an indie gives the author control of the entire process, and for me that’s a plus. Never say never, but I’ve chosen to remain independent up to this point despite offers from publishers, with the exception of foreign rights deals. I’m always open to offers, of course, but I think it’s a mistake to accept a deal if it’s not right for you.