Quick Link: Four Major Stumbles by Newer Writers

Quick links, bringing you great articles on writing from all over the web.

 at the Kill Zone site has some great insight into some common issues that new writers have. They are probably not what you think. Sure you have to be careful with grammar and sentence structure, but what really makes a good book is the story behind it. That is where it becomes complicated.  

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Four Major Stumbles by Newer Writers

These four nasty little traps would still be weaknesses if they appeared in the novels of more experienced professional writers. But for the most part, those writers don’t commit these mistakes. Which defines the window of opportunity for newer writers – to understand what they’re doing and how they do it.

And how that differs from where your story is, at any given moment. Especially when you believe you are done.

It is important to remember that when you read a novel from a proven professional, you’re reading a polished, pounded upon, tested and fortified final draft. The story may have been riddled with problems in the early stages, draft after draft, so don’t assume these pitfalls are unique to the newer writer.

Established authors have agents and editors for this purpose, newer writers don’t. And they bring their 10,000 hours of apprenticeship to the task, which probably exceeds your resume by orders of magnitude.

A few workshops won’t get you there. Those 10,000 hours, along with the criteria-driven, modeled craft held up as the target, just might.

If I wanted to read fully realized, polished stories all day long, I’d be a book reviewer instead.

I do read a lot of work from folks who are terrific writers… if the composition of sentences and paragraphs is the benchmark for that description.

But the thing is, it isn’t.

Where writing novels is concerned, a terrific writer is judged by the story more than the prose. And because they are two different skill sets, one doesn’t necessarily beget the other.

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Quick Link: Eleven Sneaky Ways To Rescue A Failed Story

Quick links, bringing you great articles on writing from all over the web.

It happens, the story you were originally so excited about has turned into a quagmire. No matter how you struggle to make it work, you just make the mess worse. Should you quit? No, go to the Writer’s Villiage The Wicked Writer Blog, and find some quick fixes that can help get your story back on track!

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Eleven Sneaky Ways To Rescue A Failed Story

Hey I can see your plot line here.
Hey I can see your plot line from here.

by John Yeoman on Friday, June 24, 2016

So your story ‘doesn’t work’. You’ve worried it to death. You’ve cut stuff out. You’ve put it back in again. Now you’re wondering for the nth time if that comma in line three should really have been a semi-colon or a full stop.


Isn’t it time to junk the whole wretched tale and start again?

No. Your story might still be rescued, faults and all. Here are eleven sneaky ways. (‘Sneaky’ because they’re quick fixes and don’t pretend to be complete writing strategies.)

I’ll start with a typical story ‘fault’, listed in no particular order, then suggest a remedy or two.

1. You have too many scene shifts or ‘jump cuts’.

A proven way to ramp up your story’s pace is to shift quickly between episodes. End one scene on a note of rising tension then cut to a different scene entirely. Close that scene on a question, mystery or hint of imminent conflict.

Then shift back to the previous scene.

It’s a great technique. Problem is, the story becomes a ping-pong match. And the reader drops the ball…

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