10 More Cons Of Self-Publishing

Here are ten more reasons that explain why self-publishing might not be the right thing for you to get into when you are trying to publish your new book. But when reading this list, keep in mind that there is no one right way to get your book published. Therefore, it is important for each writer to consider their own goals, reasons, and resources before choosing to pursue the traditional book publishing route, or the self-publishing route.

10 Cons Of Self-Publishing

Here are ten reasons that explain why self-publishing might not be the right thing for you to get into when you are trying to publish your new book. But when reading this list, keep in mind that there is no one right way to get your book published. Therefore, it is important for each writer to consider their own goals, reasons, and resources before choosing to pursue the traditional book publishing route, or the self-publishing route.

10 Amazing Low-Cost Ways To Market Your Book

Here is a list of effective, popular, proven-to-work, and low-cost ways to market your book. I personally use every one of them, so I know for a fact that they are an effective way to build up your audience and sell more books. The steps to marketing your book, and deciding which avenues are good for you to utilize for this, might take you a few months to figure out. But all of the ways on this list are very easy to set-up, and most of them are low or no-cost to you.

10 Reasons Self-Publishers Should Avoid Selling To Bookstores

Trying to get bookstores to accept your book and give it shelf space is very time-consuming and difficult to achieve. Most bookstores are not anxious to get your book. And to make matters worse, as a small, independent, publisher, or self-publisher, you are at the complete mercy of the bookstores. They set all of the terms, whether you like them or not. But even if you do everything they want, and spend lots of time and money in the process, to get a bookstore to accept your book, and give it some self-space, there is no guarantee that they will sell your book. Here are ten reasons that a new self-publisher should avoid spending valuable time and money trying to get their book into brick-and-mortar bookstores.

10 Basic Steps To Setting-Up Your Blog

It is absolutely essential that you get your blog up and running as quickly as possible. As soon as you realize what specific topic, or niche, that you want to write about – start writing. This will help you build up a body of work that shows the world that you are an expert in your niche. If you already have expertise in a particular topic, and already have a body of work that you have already written, you need to break that work down into a format that is blog friendly.

Top 10 Book Cover Design Tips For Self-Publishers

You must first realize that a book’s cover is the equivalent of a product’s packaging. What is on that cover, or packaging, is advertising. You must figure out what needs to be on that cover in order for a buyer to choose your book over the many others that cover the same topic. What needs to be on your book’s cover that will draw in, or attract, a buyer? You must separate yourself from your personal feelings about your book, and think like the buyer would think. What would attract you to a book like yours? Your book cover’s ability to attract buyers will have a direct effect on how well your books sells. So, don’t be afraid to design several covers. And don’t be afraid to hire professional help.

Publetariat Omnibus Now Available: The Best of the First Four Years

Believe it or not, Publetariat turns five years old this coming February. In light of this milestone, and the massive quantity of content here on the site, Publetariat has released a compilation ebook in Kindle format (which you don’t need a Kindle device to read, there’s a free Kindle reader app available for PC, Mac and mobile devices).

Publetariat Omnibus 2008 – 2012: The Most Popular and Practical Posts From The First Four Years of Publetariat is now available. This book includes 67 how-to, advice and commentary articles, written by Alan Baxter, Julian Block, Mark Coker, Melissa Conway, Nick Daws, Joel Friedlander, April L. Hamilton, Joseph C. Kunz Jr., Cheri Lasota, M. Louisa Locke, Shannon O’Neil, Joanna Penn, Virginia Ripple, Fay Risner, Mick Rooney, L.J. Sellers, Dana Lynn Smith, Bob Spear, Richard Sutton and Toni Tesori. Click through to view the full Table of Contents.

The 5 Essentials Of A Powerful Book Introduction


Your book’s introduction is a quick way for you, the author, to explain how your book is going to help the reader. This explanation is what will make your introduction a powerful sales tool for you to use to hook the reader into buying your book and reading it. Buyers of your book don’t care why you wrote this book. They just want to know how your book can help them improve their life. Your book’s introduction gives you an opportunity to convince the buyer that your book is the best one out there that can help them. To do this you should include the following five parts in your book’s introduction.

1. The Hook – Why Should They Buy Your Book?

The Preface: Share Your Inner Passion And Inspiration For Better Book Sales

What Is The Purpose Of The Preface?

Questions To Ask Yourself Before Writing Your Book’s Introduction


Your book’s introduction is a quick way for you, the author, to explain how your book is going to help the reader. This explanation is what will make your introduction a powerful sales tool for you to use to hook the reader into buying your book and reading it. You must understand that buyers of your book don’t care why you wrote this book. They just want to know how your book can help them improve their life. Your book’s introduction gives you an opportunity to convince the buyer that your book is the best one out there that can help them. To do this you should include the following five parts in your book’s introduction.

10 Signs That You Are Not Ready To Self-Publish

Today we are happy to promote this blog post from Publetariat member Joseph C. Kunz Jr. to the front page.


Are you really ready – not just your manuscript, but you – to self-publish? Here is a list of the most important things you must consider before getting into self-publishing. So, before you ignore the traditional publishing process, make sure you have the stamina for becoming your own publisher. Self-publishing is not a short cut to seeing yourself in print, or to success. If anything, it’s more arduous and time-consuming than writing the book itself.

10 Signs That You Are Not Ready to Self-Publish

Are you really ready – not just your manuscript, but you – to self-publish? Here is a list of the most important things you must consider before getting into self-publishing. So, before you ignore the traditional publishing process, make sure you have the stamina for becoming your own publisher. Self-publishing is not a short cut to seeing yourself in print, or to success. If anything, it’s more arduous and time-consuming than writing the book itself.

1. You Believe That “If I Write It They Will Come”

Start A Self-Publishing Business While You Maintain Your Regular Job

Anyone can write a few books and easily start a self-publishing business. The tough part is in creating a financially successful self-publishing business. The reality of publishing is that most authors and self-publishers make little or no money from self-publishing. You must understand that it is going to take a lot of time and effort on your part to get your publications to start making money.

The Book Buyer’s Decision-Making Process: A Guide For Self-Publishers

As a self-publisher you must understand how a potential customer will determine if your book is worth buying. Let’s assume the buyer has already found your book on Amazon because they were looking for information about a subject that your book covers. They are getting ready to buy a book that they believe will help them learn something new and is worth their time and money. What must your book do to convince this person to ignore the other books and buy your book? I have outlined some crucial questions that you must deal with as a self-publisher if you want the buyer to choose your book over another. By dealing with these questions you will help the buyer become more confident in their decision to choose your book over the many other books.

Book Dedications To Spur Your Imagination

I was always fascinated by book dedications. Unfortunately, most books don’t have them. And many of the books that do have one, the dedication is usually too simple and cryptic to understand. But luckily, some dedications will give you a peek into the life of the author. They will give us a slight hint at a personal story or relationship that we will probably never get to learn more about.

Despite that, I always enjoyed finding a book dedication that made an effort to honor someone that had an impact on the author’s life. But, at the same time, it is especially nice to find a dedication that can also reach out to me and make an emotional connection. Here are a variety of book dedications that will help you to start to formulate your own.