The Ebook Revolution

This post, by David Wilk, originally appeared on the Booktrix Blog on 3/15/11.

I think today it is both revealing and helpful to think about e-book pricing in the context of the rise of mass market paperbacks in the 1950’s and into the 1960’s.

As a book industry veteran friend of mine has pointed out to me, when mass market paperbacks first became popular, they were priced at approximately 10% of the retail price of the then prevalent hardcover editions, on average about $.25 for a mass market paperback at a time when hardcover books were selling for $2.50 or $3.00.

At that time, paperbacks were cheaply produced in huge quantities and displayed in drugstores, supermarkets, department stores.  Some of the relatively small number of independent bookstores did not even carry mass market paperbacks, and if they did, they were in racks and spinners supplied to them by the wholesalers that controlled magazine distribution and therefore had access to retailer channels.

Mass market paperbacks were initially differentiated by being reprints of books that had come out first in hardcover, and because publishers knew they would compete with their higher priced new books, they simply held back mass market releases until the hardcover sale had run its course, usually a year, to be sure they harvested as much demand as possible at the higher hardcover price.  Some titles, particularly those in genres like westerns, mysteries, science fiction and romance, were released in mass market first (or only), to feed the burgeoning demand of general readers for inexpensive entertaining books (which publishers differentiated, sometimes snootily, from the “serious literature” and nonfiction they saw as the core of their business).

Sound familiar?


Read the rest of the post on the Booktrix Blog.

The Crack in the Lens – Actor's & Teacher's Pocket Tax Guide

I added 3 more ebooks to Barnes & Noble Pubit over the weekend. The Actor’s Pocket Tax Guide, the Teacher’s Pocket Tax Guide and a Novel The Crack in the Lens. I am very impressed with their speed and efficiency. I uploaded The Crack in the Lens at 2:30 am Monday morning and it was selling by 9:30 am! A seven hour turnaround!

At first the print editions of The Crack in the Lens and the Writer’s Pocket Tax Guide were not all synching together and not everything was coming up under searched of my name, but they fixed that within hours.

On the other hand, things at Google Books/Editions are stuck at "processing." Not happy with them.

Hope to be uploading to Kobo, Sony and Kindle soon.

Darlene Cypser

Foolscap & Quill, LLC

Do I Really Need A Separate ISBN For My Ebook?

This post, by Ron Pramschufer, originally appeared on Publishing Basics on 3/14/11.

This is probably one of the most asked; least understood questions out there in the self-publishing world today. Technically you not only need an ISBN but you need a different ISBN for each format your ebook is being offered. If you are offering your book as a mobi, epub and a PDF, you need three different ISBNs. That’s technically. In reality, if you are only making your eBook available on Amazon, you don’t need any. Confused?

If you think about it a minute, it makes sense. If an ISBN is like a fingerprint, every different edition of your book needs a separate set of fingerprints (ISBN) to identify it. The easy one to understand is paperback and hardcover. They are obviously different editions. When a person purchases the paperback version of your book, that is what they expect to receive. The ISBN is what identifies the format. How about if the paperback book version was the tradebook size of 6 X 9. Let’s say you get an inquiry for the mass market paperback size of 4 ¼ X 7. Do you think you would need a new ISBN for the mass market size? Of course you would. How else would know which book was being ordered? So in reality, it is not one for the paperback version and one for the hardcover. It is one for each format. A 4 ¼ X 7 paperback is a different format from a 6 X 9 paperback, thus a different ISBN is needed.

Now let’s think about eBooks for a second. You need a separate ISBN for your eBook, right? Makes sense, doesn’t it? You wouldn’t want someone to order a paperback book when they really wanted an ebook. How do you tell the difference between the two? The ISBN, of course. Now let’s take that one step further. I want to buy an eBook to read on my Kindle. The file type that works on a Kindle is a Mobi file.  I also want to buy the same book for my IPad. The IPad takes an ePub file. How do you think the store tells the difference between the two? What would happen if both versions has the same ISBN? It would be just like the trade paperback, mass market paperback situation. If it’s a different format, it needs a different ISBN. That’s the official story… Now the reality story for 99% of the self-publishers.

Amazon has its own numbering system called ASIN. The ASIN number for Publishing Basics-Navigating the Self-Publishing Minefield is B003Y8XR0K. Amazon uses the ISBN like window dressing. If you go to the eBook upload link at Amazon, the spot on the form that says ISBN, also says “Optional”. IE: You don’t need one for Amazon. Amazon is the only place that uses a Mobi file… Amazon has their own numbering system…therefore your Mobi file does not need a separate ISBN. Will the possible eBook formats remain at two? Fat chance. Do I suggest that you run out and buy a 100 block of ISBNs so you can be “ready”? NO. I suggest you purchase one and apply it to the ePub file.

Read the rest of the post, which includes a great deal more commentary and a lengthy Q&A section, on Publishing Basics.

Marketing Monday: Platform Building The Tortoise Way

If you’re a highly sensitive person like me, then you’ll understand how stressful marketing yourself, your product or your business can be. If you aren’t an HSP, then today’s marketing landscape with its hurry, scurry push in social media probably doesn’t bother you. You may, in fact, thrive on the pressure, the excitement. The downside to that is that mistakes can be made at a faster rate and be more challenging to correct.

It’s also true that HSPs will suffer more stress and anxiety if we jump into all of the things we’re told we should be doing before we take the time to fully plan where we want to end up or if we don’t pace ourselves the way we need to — at a slower rate than the rest of the world. Regardless of whether you’re thinking about blogging or using Twitter or Facebook or any other social media, as an HSP it is imperative to think it through and take your time.

I’m currently working my way through Kristen Lamb’s WE ARE NOT ALONE: The Writer’s Guide to Social Media, which I highly recommend, but I have to continuously remind myself that I am not in a race. As Kristen has pointed out in previous blog posts, writing is more of a marathon than a sprint. Building an author platform goes right along with that. I may not be able to fit in 15 minutes each for Facebook, Twitter and MySpace (or whatever other social media outlet I’ve chosen) everyday, but I can certainly spend that much time on one per day, blog at least once per week and still have time left to work on my “masterpiece”.

Jumping into anything before you’re truly ready, or even mostly ready, gives a higher possibility of failure. It also means a greater possibility of losing your passion to write altogether. Still, it’s very difficult to reign in our enthusiasm, especially if we’re newer to the process. As Jody Hedlund says in her post The Pressure To Jump In Too Soon, “It’s hard enough to have patience. Therefore, when we get involved in the cyber writing world, eventually, we might begin to feel left behind or the pressure to keep up with what others are doing—even if we’re right where we need to be.”

Jody suggests 5 things newer writers can do to keep those feelings of pressure to a minimum, which I think really speak to HSPs:

  1. Concentrate on your writing because that is what will sell.
  2. You can put aside the book you’ve written without editing it. Consider it a project to revisit later when you’ve had more experience.
  3. If your story isn’t working or you’ve lost the passion for a project, it’s okay to put it away unfinished.
  4. Take the time to try out other genres. You may find your best writing isn’t in the genre you thought it was.
  5. Most importantly, spend less time thinking about what everyone else is doing and more time being you. As an HSP you know you’re unique. Capitalize on it.

It’s not the popular choice to take the slow lane when trying to forge ahead in a writing career, but for highly sensitive people it can be the best way. What other ways have you discovered to keep your career moving ahead while maintaining the balance you need as an HSP?



This is a reprint from Virginia Ripple‘s The Road to Writing.

Here Iz Some Mental Gymnastics. Let Me Show You It.

So, I was talking with a friend of mine, Jackie Barbosa (who, btw writes some REALLY great historical erotic romance you should check out), and we were discussing changing attitudes toward self-publishing and in particular RWA which is Romance Writers of America.

I’ve never joined RWA, and I don’t see that reality changing. They would have to change their attitudes pretty severely to be more embracing of all types of genuine publishing achievement and not just publishing achievement that props up the old guard. They would also have to talk about relevant publishing topics and not just NY print publishing as if that’s all that exists or the “one true way to making a living”.

For example, right now, unless things have changed while I wasn’t looking, you aren’t a full member (i.e. acknowledged as a published author and allowed on panels at conferences and to officially promote your work and etc), unless you have been published by a publisher they have “approved” as a “really real publisher”.

This leaves out some epublished authors (last I checked. Sometimes epubbed authors are “real authors” in RWA world and sometimes they aren’t. I’m not sure if that tempest in a teapot has died down yet), and it leaves out all self-published authors.

RWA also has book awards called the RITA. Jackie was commenting on the midlisters who have left their publishers to go indie and said it will be interesting to see what kind of mental acrobatics RWA has to perform to explain and justify why one of these author’s St. Martin’s published book is eligible for RITA consideration, but the author’s self-published book, which has made her more money than any of her trad pubbed books… isn’t.

I’m dragging up the popcorn if/when that justifying goes down. Because it will be hella entertaining.

RWA basically bills themselves as a professional organization for romance authors whose main goal is supposedly to help romance writers get to the point of making a living writing. This is ostensibly what most official, large, genre writing organizations are about. But here is the thing…

It’s not really about that and never has been. It’s about validation, and ego, and wait for it… vanity.

So all this time, when people have said: “People just self-publish for vanity and because they are impatient and stupid and lame and can’t write…”

Well, sort of the definition of vanity is when you do something just because it “looks good” and makes you feel “validated”. What is the trad pub circus but a validation parade? Again, I don’t hate NY publishers. Most of the drama and silliness isn’t even being perpetuated by NY publishers. It’s being perpetuated by writers and writer organizations and a handful of agents who are too out of touch with reality to bother mentioning.

I am not in any way bitter. Why would I be? I’m thankful that I was smart enough to avoid all the drama and heartache that seems to be inherent in that system from start to finish for most authors.

Only 1% of authors make a living writing fiction. And here is where the intellectual dishonesty with many of these writer organizations start to show through. I’m in that 1%. I’m making a lot more than most NY published authors. And yet… according to RWA’s litmus test, I’m not a published author.


So is publishing as a career about vanity or is it about business? Because I thought it was about business. Wouldn’t it be much more fair, if the genuine goal is about making a living, to do things based on income/sales levels?

RWA has always seemed like a hen party/social club to me. Which is why I’ve never joined and don’t foresee a future in which I would, unless I was treated like a “real author”. Because, I am one. When someone is making a career-level income, you can’t keep pretending they don’t have a career just because they don’t have a certain label on the spine of their books.

As things continue to change in publishing these organizations with special rules for those who have at some point in their past had a NY pub, even if they don’t have one now, is going to look more and more dishonest and just plain silly. I can’t wait for the show to start.


This is a reprint from Zoe WintersWeblog.

Book Formatting Problems and Treatments

Whenever I get a manuscript to edit, I can often guess the author’s age range if a common formatting problem pops up. For those older folks who learned to keyboard on typewriters, they were taught to always hit the space bar twice at the end of a sentence. This is a big no-no for computer writing because it throws off page layout software, as far as spacing is concerned.

The double spaces show up as white holes on the computer screen and hardcopy printouts. “Oh no !” you say. “I just typed my whole book that way!” Don’t despair. This is an easily fixed problem in Word. Click on Edit and go down to Replace. Enter to spaces in the Find box. Enter one space in the Replace box. Click on the Replace All button. In case you may have entered even more spaces, keep clicking on it until multiple spaces have been eliminated.

Similar to that problem is the typing of spaces to indent paragraphs. Don’t do that. A text paragraph Is best indented by using the Style description. Click on any text paragraph and then click on “Normal” in the style palate. Then go to the right of the style’s title and click on the arrow to modify the Normal Style. Click on Format and then on Paragraph. Go to the Special Box and click on 1st Line. 0.5 inches is a little big, so try 0.25, which is about 3 characters wide. Click on OKs and Apply until all the text paras now have automated indents.

If you want something centered, don’t move it manually over with space (fix this in the same way you did the double space problem) and by creating a new style for centered text by defining its type of paragraph in the style description.

I just completed my judging of interior book designs for the Ben Franklin Awards. Even in this highly competitive contest, the following problem still cropped up in several books–using sans-serif fonts. Serifs, the little tiddles on letters, are necessary for our eyes to see closure to letters and words. Without them, our eyes quickly tire. Some folks use them to separate the main text style from the text used in information boxes. Rather than use a sans-serif font, use a drastically different serif font to delineate the difference. Sans serif font do have a place–on computer screens.

Finally, if writing a book ms, you can save each chapter individually if that helps you keep track. I’ve been guilty of this myself on some of my earlier books; however, if you’re going to send it to an editor or designer, put all the chapters together in one file in proper order. Don’t make the editor or designer do it for you.

Not all line and copy editors fix these problems, but because I am a book designer as well as an editor, I see these problems often enough to know they needed to be addressed here.

This is a reprint from Bob Spear‘s Book Trends.

Converted my first book to ebook form: Writer's Pocket Tax Guide

I have successfully converted one of my books to epub format and uploaded it to B&N’s Pubit program.  It went live this morning less than 48 hours after uploading it. Here is the link to it:

I had tried the new Google Edition’s program but after a week the file still said "processing."  So I went elsewhere.

B&N’s Pubit program is very easy to use.  I love the Nook Emulator which allows you to proof your uploaded book in emulators of both Nook and Nook Color before going live with it. 

I just signed an agreement with Kobo (owned by Chapters/Indigo the largest book seller in Canada).  They are less used to dealing with self-publishers but I think it will work out for me.

I will also go for Kindle but mobi seems to be the file format that works best with them. So I will need to learn more about mobi.

Which brings me to the fact that I am a do-it-yourself-er. I tried some epub conversion programs and did not like the results especially with the Pocket Tax Guides which have tables. Most of the conversion software writes junk code which results in bad layouts of anything more complex than a paragraph. Calibre is good for some things but their code is not.  So I downloaded Sigil where I could view and edit the code myself. You see the epub format is a zipped cluster of files.  Some of them are the control files.  The biggest one is the content file. The content is written in the epub subset of xhtml which is similar to html. I knew html. So learning xhtml was not that hard. The next trick is being able to read and edit the control files which even Sigil can’t do. There is a tiny program out on the Net called Tweakepub which allows you to do that. You have to be careful there or you can break the epub. (Always backup before tweaking.) 

Every reader out there is a little bit different. So I was not surprised to have to do some additional tweaking after upoloading to Pubit. The Nook emulator allowed me to do that.

The Publisher’s Pocket Tax Guide will go up next week.

Do Pre-Publication Promotion And Sanity Go Together ?

So someone writes a book and wants other people to buy it.

The day that book comes out, there will be at least 2,000 other books seeing the light of day.

Hence, all the talk about pre-publication promotion, author platforms, and a writer’s audience.

If you try to do everything that everyone says to promote a book you’ll evaporate in a cloud of angst.

My book will be published in late May and I began pre-publication promotion about a year and a half ago–long before I began writing the book. I took the idea and themes of the book and shared them as widely as I could. It gave me some valuable information on the small percentage of people who would be interested in the book I would write 🙂

There are not as many people interested in a book that tells the story of going from seemingly interminable war to an enduring and noble peace as there are folks who would rather escape reality with a good vampire story.

I’ve got nothing against anyone’s reading appetite but I do need to be clear about my book being potentially hard to sell.

So, for months now (since the book was being written and through the editing processes), I’ve been trying various recommended ways to promote it.

I learned early-on to steer clear of people and sites that were trying to sell me some amazing method they claimed would guarantee  sales of my book when it’s released. I guess I’m just an Eskimo and those folks are trying to sell me snow

The key approach I’ve learned is called, by some, Relationship Marketing:

Let people get to know you, share your goals and philosophy, give them support in what they’re doing; then, maybe they’ll be interested in your book…

And, even if they don’t want your book, they may know someone who does.

Before I learned some of the finer points of relationship marketing, I was introduced to Seth Godin’s book, Unleashing The Idea Virus (buy it here or download it free here).

Very basically, he talks about finding “hives” (or tribes) of people and unleashing your idea, thereby “infecting” people with it. The best thing that can happen is for the tribe to have a lot of “sneezers”–people who naturally share anything they like as widely as they can.

Relationship marketing contains elements of Godin’s ideas plus social networking.

I tried, as hard as I could, to utilize Facebook and Twitter but I’ve pulled my involvement in both way back; the signal to noise ratio is just too heavily weighted toward “noise” for a book like mine to make much impact.

During the months I was trying to use those tools, I slowly became quite temporarily insane 🙂

Luckily, I also started this blog and worked to build friendships with other writers with blogs…

I’ve also been using the virtual world, Second Life, to build a network of friends who might like my book. You can read more about that here and here.

Now, here I am, a little over two months from book launch, brain-frazzled, but willing to forge ahead and work my way back to sane coherency in my promotion efforts.

I’m also going to try to squeeze in more time on the forums at BestsellerBound 🙂

My methods and mistakes are certainly not a guide for any other writer. Each of us has to evaluate the potential pools of readers and how best to approach them; each must select their own set of tools.

One bit of advice I think could apply across the board is to incorporate relationship-building into your promotion efforts. I think you’ll find the results will last a lot longer 🙂
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Book Launch: Breakdown Of The Pentecost Launch Process

OK, the dust has settled and it’s time to report back on how the launch of Pentecost went. Many of you have been asking so here it is. I also did a podcast about book launches with the marvelous Zoe Winters if you’d like to listen as well.

I’m baring my soul here, so please do leave a comment with your thoughts on how you think it went! The more we help each other, the more we can rise together.

The Results

Amazon change their rankings every hour and I did sleep during launch week but Pentecost by Joanna Penn made the Amazon bestseller lists – these were the best rankings.

# Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #370 Paid in Kindle Store
* #4 in Books > Religion & Spirituality > Fiction
* #5 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Fiction > Religious Fiction
#62 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction
#1 in Movers & Shakers on 12 Feb
#93 on in Kindle > Kindle ebooks > Crime, Thrillers & Mystery > Thrillers.

Total sales were 683 books between 7 -28 February. 133 print and the rest ebooks. It’s not blockbuster sales but it’s my first novel in the religious thriller/action-adventure genre and as my back-list grows, so will the numbers. Most authors start off by selling low numbers and then they grow over time, so I am content with this as the starting position.

The following are the aspects that went into the launch. I hope it helps you with planning your own.


Base Author Platform: The Creative Penn Blog.

Without this baseline, I wouldn’t have been able to do most of the following so I consider my blog to be the most important asset I have to market myself and my books. I’ve been blogging here for over two years now, posting an article, video or podcast every two days consistently.

In terms of basic stats, The Creative Penn has just over 5000 subscribers from RSS and email lists and 21,000 uniques per month according to Google Analytics. The Alexa ranking for the US is currently 31,266. The Creative Penn podcast is getting around 2000 downloads per month mostly from the US, China and UK, around 40% of that on iTunes.

I’ve blogged the whole journey of Pentecost – click here for all the posts. You guys have helped me choose the book cover as well as refine the back blurb and have witnessed my growth as a fiction writer. I’ve shared it all and I think that helped sales because some of you like the religious thriller genre and were ready to buy the book when it launched, even just to support me. Thanks so much for your support!

I also sent out review copies to people who were willing to write reviews (no, I didn’t influence what they wrote!). Check them out on These really help sales so I appreciate every one. Authors really value reviews so that is always a great thing to do if you love a book.

Cost: Blogging takes a whole lot of time but very little setup cost. I also love it and blog as a hobby anyway :) Totally worth every moment I spend on growing this site! (Click here to read about my Blogging for Authors and Writers short course)

Social Networking: Twitter and Facebook

Twitter is my main social network and I love it! I’m very active on it @thecreativepenn and have set out my principles here before. The aim is always to be useful and so I have spent the last two years tweeting links about writing, publishing and book marketing as well as networking. This meant that I had a good audience of around 17,000 followers for launch week. I used that network to tweet links to my guest posts as well as rankings and buy now links. The response was excellent during the week with followers telling me rankings overnight in America and being very encouraging. It’s hard to measure tangible results from Twitter but there was definitely a buzz during launch week!

The Creative Penn Facebook page is a growing place where I can interact more freely with people and there are around 1200 fans so far. We have some more in depth conversations and I post almost every day there. (Come and join us!) Again I shared the journey and links to videos, posts and other things but I think this audience overlaps with Twitter and the blog, so it is more of a gathering place than somewhere specific for the launch.

I did setup a Pentecost novel Facebook page which I used more heavily for the launch and also post specifically to re guest posts, interviews and things. It has free chapters and buy now links and currently has 165 fans. I’ll keep this going because I intend to continue marketing the book and search on Facebook is increasing.

Cost: $0 but a lot of time! Again, I find so many benefits from twitter especially, I think it is absolutely worth the time investment.

Book Trailer

I personally think book trailers are awesome. They give an overview of the book in one minute and you know whether you’re interested. I have bought books based on trailers and I think they will only get more popular in 2011 and onwards as video search grows. Also, if you get into video now, you’re still ahead of the pack. Google “thriller novel” and check the videos. Pentecost and other videos by me on thrillers rank on the first page. Awesome. You can’t do that with text posts anymore!

Cost: This was one of the most expensive items at around AU$200 which was for the high quality video and images. Click here to find out how I made it. Worth it? Some may not think so but I am a believer in the power of video and this is an evergreen business card for the book so yes, I think the cost was worth it.

Blog Tour/ Guest Posting/ Interviews

In launch week, I appeared on 32 other blogs doing text articles, video and audio interviews as well as people posting reviews or Q&A with me. It was a significant amount of work to prepare all this in advance and to write that many good articles as well as continue my own blog, the day job, life etc – you know the score! I wrote for large blogs like Problogger and WriteToDone as well as niche blogs for authors. Click here and scroll down for the full list.

Guest posting is worth it for the incoming links to your blog which boosts Google page rank PLUS/ the personal branding boost that goes with having your name on the bigger blogs.

I was able to appear on most of them because of relationships I’ve built up over the last two years and also because I know how to write a decent blog article (after much studying!) . None of these sites would have accepted a bad post even with an online friendship. If you’re considering guest posting for blogs, you need to know how blog articles work. Definitely subscribe to Copyblogger for tips on this. You can find my guest posting guidelines here.

Cost: Again, $0 but a lot of time and my brain is dead from so many guest posts as well as my own launch material.

It was worth it for the exposure and general personal branding benefits but I don’t think it impacted the launch sales figures significantly. It was more about growing awareness of The Creative Penn and something I will continue to do more of but not for the launch date specifically, more for building profile and presence before a launch. Perhaps the longer blog tour works better. I shall do this differently next time.

Launch Day competition

The point of a competition is to incentivize people to buy the book on a particular day in order to impact the Amazon rankings. I offered a Kindle or access to my Author 2.0 program and personal coaching as well as Amazon vouchers. Clearly my own courses don’t cost me out of pocket but they offer a lot of value.

As it happened, the winners of prize 1 & 2 both took the Author 2.0 program (sells for US$297) over the Kindle and winner 3 took $50 Amazon voucher. To enter the competition, people had to email me the receipt of Pentecost to show they had bought it on 7 Feb and there were 98 entries.

Cost: $50 as the other prizes were intangible. Worth it because of the number of sales in one day which pushed me up the charts although not everyone who bought was in the competition.

Kindle Nation Sponsorship

This is something anyone can do and should absolutely go on your list. Kindle Nation Daily goes out to thousands of mad keen Kindle book buyers and they definitely buy based on recommendations. There are various levels of sponsorship and I went for the Silver package. This mail-out shot me back up the charts to a higher position than the first launch day.

I sold 300 ebooks on that one day so this is definitely the most worthwhile cash investment I could have made. I will be interviewing Steve Windwalker from Kindle Nation in a few months time for the podcast so you will hear more about this. I have also re-booked for Pentecost Sunday when I will do another mini-relaunch. Recommended tactics are to make sure the price is low and you have reviews on Amazon already so people feel confident in purchasing.

Cost: $169.99 DEFINITELY worth it!

What I did well

Champagne to celebrate the launch!

The launch was successful because I’ve spent the last two years learning all about writing, publishing and book marketing and growing an author platform. It’s not Amanda Hocking style numbers but she started off selling hundreds of books per month which soon went up as she added more books to her backlist and got book bloggers involved. So I feel like this is a good start to my fiction career.

I’m also reminded of Seth Godin’s recent brilliant post about the “siren song” of launch day and how it’s more important to have longevity in book sales than a high peak at launch.

In terms of things done well, I’m really glad I used a professional cover and book designer (Joel from and also pro editors and pro ebook file converters. I’m proud of the book so that is definitely worth paying for.

Compare this to three years ago when I put “How To Enjoy Your Job” up for sale and sold 10 books to my family in 6 months because no one knew who I was. That disappointment led directly to the creation of this blog and onwards to my first novel. I’m still selling that book and the sales of “From Idea to Book” have also gone up this month with the Pentecost launch.

Maybe you think I should have reached #1 in the Kindle store – it would have been nice, but let’s face it, I haven’t paid my dues to fiction writing yet. Most authors make it somewhere after they have written 3, 4, 5 or more books. So watch this space :)

What I could have done better

Clearly I could have written a vampire romance and that would have sold better than a religious thriller! But that just isn’t me :)

You can watch this video to find out why I wrote Pentecost, or listen to this Thrillercast episode where I’m interviewed by authors David Wood & Alan Baxter.

I absolutely should have launched on the same day as the Kindle Nation sponsorship because the two rankings separately shot me up the charts, but together perhaps I would have made #1 on religious thriller. Having the launch over a week spread the sales out more and meant the rankings didn’t go so high, but Zoe Winters did point out that Amazon thinks you’re gaming them if you peak too high all on one day. Hmm, Amazon algorithms are top secret so we will never know!

As also pointed out above, I would have spread my guest posts over a month or so prior and not saved them all for launch day. This would have meant more readers on the blog in general which may have led to more sales. Hard to tell though!

I have also recently launched to have a more genre specific place to interact with readers, but it wasn’t in time for the launch. Come and join me if you like mystery/thrillers/action-adventure novels and would like to see some reviews.

I am also becoming more active on Goodreads and Shelfari if you want to friend me there. I realize the importance of interacting with readers which I didn’t focus on prior to launch. I have learned that lesson!

If you’re a book blogger and would like a review copy of Pentecost, please let me know. I didn’t reach out enough to that market before the launch but will be correcting that mistake over the next year.

Next Steps

Clearly marketing a book is an ongoing thing! But it goes on the backburner now as I relaunch some of my Author 2.0 products and start the next novel in the Morgan Sierra/ARKANE series, Prophecy. I have started a signup page for Prophecy here which is already getting sign-ups which means the next launch should be easier!

What do you think about the launch process? Let me know what you agree with and what could have been done better or how you have fared with your book launches.


This is a reprint from Joanna Penn‘s The Creative Penn.

Why Some E-Books Cost More Than The Hardcover

This post, by Nathan Bransford, originally appeared on his Nathan Bransford: author blog on 3/10/11.

The good people at Reddit recently noticed something peculiar and engaged in a spirited debate about it. The topic? A bete noir for many an e-book reader:

E-books priced more than their print edition.

How could this possibly be? Paper costs more than electrons, so surely e-books should be cheaper, right?

Believe it or not, this isn’t a glitch. And it’s not happening because publishers are asleep at the wheel either.

Come down the rabbit hole with me into the wholesale/agency tunnel, and I’ll tell you why this is happening.

Ye Olde Wholesale

First, as always, we have to start with some dry background information. For a very long time publishers have had a system where they set the suggested retail price and take roughly half of that. Whatever the bookseller wants to charge from there is their business.

So, napkin math, if a book is listed with a $24.99 cover price the publisher would get about $12.50 of that, which they would split with the author, cover their costs, hopefully make a profit, etc. (Further background here.)

If the book sells for $24.99 the bookseller also gets $12.50. Or, if the bookseller discounts it to $19.99, well, that comes out of the bookseller’s take and and the bookseller gets about $7.50. Heck, the bookseller could charge the consumer $10.00 and take a loss. That’s their business. The publisher still gets their $12.50.

For a long time this system worked without too much disruption. Then came Amazon.

Enter the Kindle

Read the rest of the post on Nathan Bransford’s blog.

Making Ebook Conversion Decisions

Last week I wrote an article with a Kindle uploading mini-tutorial using my Self-Publisher’s Quick & Easy Guide to Copyright as an example. In the comments to the post, one reader asked some questions about ebook conversions:

I’m curious to know (a) why you used a paid-for service ( to do your conversion rather than use software like Calibre (free) or Quark or Adobe CS5 which now accommodate eBook conversion formats; and (b) why you have chosen to send the second of your publications to a different conversion service ( – is it perhaps because it’s the one with the complex layout?

Both good questions, and ones I didn’t address in the article. Since most indie publishers are going to face these same questions, it seemed like a good topic to address in a larger forum.

eBook conversion: DIY or Outsource?

There are lots of tasks in self-publishing that you can either do yourself, or hire someone else to do. The question we face is how to decide which is which?

Should you edit the book yourself? Most people advise against it if you want to produce the best manuscript you can. Can you proofread your own book? Not that effectively, unless you are a trained proofreader. It’s surprisingly difficult.

The list goes on and on. Design the book yourself or hire a designer? Do a cover design with some template tools on a website somewhere, or hire a cover design specialist to produce the packaging for your book? Try to do your own fulfillment, or pay someone else to do it? Write your own press releases, or outsource them to a publicist to do?

This question is so urgent for self-publishers to answer, it can become the single biggest decision you will make on your publishing journey. Down one road, the DIY path, you’ll find:


  • great pride in achievement
  • a lot of time spent training to do new tasks
  • complete control of the project
  • output that will probably look or read like it was produced by amateurs. Which it was.

Down the other path, where you have a budget and hire professionals, you’ll find:

  • the support of a team in your publication
  • a collaborative approach to design and marketing
  • a lot more money spent on your book before publication
  • a book that should look and read like the product of professional book people. Which it was.

eBook Choices

I’ve written here about some of the eBook conversion software Averill mentioned in her question. Calibre is a terrific translation and management tool for your eBook library. We’ve seen how Storyist and Pages can output ePub files that pass compliance checks, especially on simple books.

However, we’ve also seen Liz Castro’s EPUB Straight to the Point. This book, which shows how to take the files produced by Adobe InDesign’s ePub export feature and turn them into beautiful and consistent eBooks. However, the book is about half HTML and CSS code, necessary for anyone to learn who wants to mess with the innards of ePub and Kindle eBook files.

Of course, once you create your ePub files, you have to have the skills to translate them into files for Kindle, a different format. My question for most authors is this: If you are only going to do this once, or maybe once a year, why do you want to learn to do it yourself?

There’s a huge difference between books that are converted by someone who is paying attention and knows how to manipulate the files to get the best result, and more or less automated conversion that give you whatever comes out the end when you push the “convert” button.

One Self-Publisher Decides

Taking all this into account, it was really a non-decision for me. I have no desire to spend time learning the ins and outs of HTML and CSS, it simply isn’t a good use of my time. The Quick & Easy Guides are heavily formatted, with bullet lists, numbered lists, headings and subheadings, graphics and other effects. For $99 each I got terrific conversions into both Kindle and ePub formats, fully corrected, with all graphics in place and links active and working. I think that’s a great deal. If these books can’t earn back the $99 I shouldn’t be publishing them anyway.

This also goes to answering the second question, too. I try as much as possible to use the best vendors I can for my own books. But I’m also interested in experiencing as many options as possible so I can get a real, first-hand look at what you’re going through when you set out to do the same things.

Not only that, Joshua Tallent, from, is very busy and can’t schedule books for at least 12 weeks. I needed my Guides on sale sooner than that, so the decision was easy.

You can find over 40 companies that convert books to ebooks listed in the eBook Conversion Services Directory. We continue to upgrade this resource to make it more useful so, if you haven’t seen it, check it out.

I’ll continue to experiment with different vendors and different ways to get our books into print so I can come back and report on them here.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I’ll try to help out.


This is a reprint from Joel Friedlander‘s The Book Designer.

Solution for Ugly Photo Ribbon on Facebook Fan Pages

This article, by Joan Stewart, originally appeared on her The Publicity Hound’s Blog on 3/9/11 and is reprinted here in its entirety with her permission.

If you haven’t converted your Facebook Fan Page to the new platform, it will look very different when you log on tomorrow, Thursday, March 10.

The tabs at the top will disappear.  In their place, you’ll see an incredibly ugly photo ribbon that includes the five most recent photos you’ve posted to your wall. Here’s an example I found on someone else’s page:


I voluntarily converted to the new platform a few weeks ago and almost dropped dead when I saw the horrible photos that appeared at the top of my own Fan Page. They were as bad as the ones you see above.


One photo showed me standing next to another woman at a networking event.  The photo was so small, you you couldn’t even tell it was me.  Another photo showed a guy with the bottom of his head cut off.
How I Solved the Problem

I figured out that I could buy attractive, inexpensive stock photos for just a few bucks each, upload them to my Fan Page and then “assign” them to that photo ribbon and actually use them to promote my business without being obnoxious. Here’s my new photo ribbon:





No more ugly photos!  And another marking tool! (You can download that photo of the cute Twitter “Follow Me” bird and an entire package of similar photos, for free, at ProductiveDreams.)

But I want you to see what it looks like on my Fan Page and how it works:

1.  Go to my Page (the link is below, read these instructions first) and click on the Like button at the top of the page.

Faebook Like button

2.   Click on each photo in that ribbon–directly from the ribbon, not from the arrow that appears on the right side of the first photo after it opens.

3.  Look at the copy I’ve written at the bottom of each photo and click on the links to see where they take you.

Go here now, Like the page, and click on the first photo in the ribbon.

Isn’t that clever?

That’s only one of the new changes, and I just want to warn you not to freak when you see what your page looks like tomorrow.
More Facebook Help is On the Way

I’ve fielded dozens of questions from Publicity Hounds about what’s new on Facebook.  And I’ve quickly scheduled a webinar for 4 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday, March 15, featuring Facebook extraordinaire Christine Buffaloe and me.

We’ll walk you through the changes and explain how to take advantage of them to actually promote your expertise, collect more fans and do more business.

It’s called “12 More Ways to Avoid Missed Opportunities on the New & Improved Facebook.” If you attended a similar webinar we hosted on this three years ago, DO NOT follow the advice we shared then.

Facebook has undergone so many changes and has so many new features that some of the tips we shared, which were good then, can actually waste your time now.

Take a look at what we’ll be teaching, and register for Tuesday’s webinar.

Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound

I’m a publicity expert, speaker, trainer, consultant and former newspaper editor who will show you how to use traditional and social media to establish credibility, enhance your reputation, position yourself as an expert, sell more products and services and promote a favorite cause or issue. Email me:

Beyond the Book #218: Tips For Ebook Success

This podcast interview, from Chris Chris Kenneally of the Copyright Clearance Center, originally appeared on Beyond the Book on 3/6/11 and is provided here in its entirety with that site’s permission.

A first-hand report on the e-book revolution from Angela James, executive editor of Carina Press, the “digital first” imprint from Harlequin. A prolific blogger, James is leading the charge to create a business model for e-books in trade publishing.

“Avoid thinking of it as immediate return. Yes, it’s digital. Things happen much more quickly. But you still have to have a solid business plan and be in it for the long haul,” she advises CCC’s Chris Kenneally. “Avoid trying to do it with only existing personnel. And I know that sound painful because now we’re talking about more money, but you want to do it also with people who are really invested in the digital community, understand how digital works, and most importantly, somebody who can help you think outside the box.”


Self-Publishing, A Source Of Innovative Thinking And How To Benefit From It

This post, from Piotr Kowalczyk, originally appeared on his Password Incorrect site on 3/3/11 and is reprinted here in its entirety with his permission.

The presentation you’ll see below was prepared for Ebook Lab Italia conference. I wanted to highlight a prevailing characteristic of self-publishers, not yet discovered and fully utilized by publishers and readers. It’s the innovative thinking.

In digital times, times of over-content, the front line is the attention of a reader. Technology leads to equal chances. Both big publishers and self-publishers use the same on-line tools and services to find the reader and convince him to buy the book. But obviously there is a difference: it’s the money at disposal.

Self-publishers usually don’t have money, so they use all their energy to be creative and innovative. In a presentation there are several examples of innovation in both a self-promotion run by single authors and joint actions taken by self-publishing community:
3D1D project (3 days, 1 dispatch) – a draft of a novel written live in under 72 hours,

– Bathrobe Guru – a short story written using Google Wave,

Indie Call to Action – authors cross-reviewed and promoted their books using social media,

Friday Flash – a large group of writers share their new flash-fiction stories on Twitter with a tag #FridayFlash.

Truth is that not every self-publisher is as successful as Joanna Penn. She made her debut novel, Pentecost, a bestseller within 24 hours from launch.

What can self-publishers do if royalties are just not enough? Again, they are innovative enough to find other ideas for earning money. You’ll also find the examples in a presentation.

This year self-publishing is on the rise. In January there were as much as 18 self-published books among top 50 bestsellers in Kindle Store. There are big chances that self-publishers will be noticed and get the attention they deserve.



If you liked this article, please click on a Facebook Like it button. Buy my geek fiction ebooks ($.99 each at Kindle Store) or get a free sample: Password Incorrect and Failure Confirmed. You can subscribe to one of RSS feeds here. Let’s also connect on Twitter.


Ebooks Ain't A Bubble

This post, by JA Konrath, originally appeared on his A Newbie’s Guide to Publishing blog on 3/7/11.

Elsewhere on the internets, I’ve heard the current ebook boom being described as a bubble. One that will eventually burst.

That’s incorrect.

A bubble is when people invest more money in something than it is actually worth. Real estate, technology, dot com companies, housing, the stock market, etc. all are investments that might not pay off, and have been called bubbles.

Ebooks aren’t an investment. We’re not dumping money into them, hoping we can sell them at a profit later on.

Rather, ebooks are more like a commodity. But not quite, because they don’t conform to the rules of supply and demand, as there is an endless supply. But I believe there is also an endless demand. I come to this conclusion by looking at other digital media, and seeing the never-ending, constantly regenerating market.

An ebook is forever. Forever is a long time to find readers. I’m selling over 1000 ebooks a day, but it would take me forty-one years to completely saturate the current Kindle-owner market (assuming there are currently 15 million Kindle owners.)

However, people read ebooks on more than just their Kindles. There are Kindle apps, Nooks, Kobos, smart phones, computers, tablets, and so on. I could sell 10,000 ebooks a day, and it would still take the rest of my life to saturate the current market.

Read the rest of the post on JA Konrath‘s A Newbie’s Guide to Publishing.