Doing Research

I am currently reading several books on publishing. I bought Damn, Why Didn’t I Write That on Saturday and was through the whole thing in 24 hours. That book has some good information on how to choose subjects for a book that might have some sales potential. Yesterday I went to the local library and, looking through the new books, found several on publishing. One of these was the indie author guide, which led me to this site. I am about half way through that book, and it has some good information on how the self publishing game works. I had to look up some formatting information online, however, as I use Open Office, not Word.

I will be looking around this site in the coming days and seeing what I can learn. Feel free to drop me a line.

Does Anyone Actually Know The True History of Writing?

This post’s title could seem utterly stupid to some folks. Don’t we have reams of evidence that writing’s history is properly recorded in volumes of written work?

I’m a writer and that last sentence was my morning giggle 🙂 ‘Course, my favorite word is “Word”…

I’ve spent a few decades devoted to the study of various sciences. I’ve learned that humans haven’t quite reached their peak of perfection as a species. From my own deep study, I feel confident that most mainstream science is way off-beam–playing with elegant mathematics that’s used, not to scientifically prove, but to academically justify a very mistaken view of how the universe works. This doesn’t mean I think the scientists are insincere. Even a madman can be sincere in their beliefs…

If I’m right, if even scientists are not getting it right, what about the sincere people who write about the history of writing?

Some of you may already have realized that an attitude like mine–a point of view that’s set against most of the experts of our culture–could lead to a very hopeless view of human learning and progress. It could   lead to that except for my belief that humanity is still growing, will someday reach a level of understanding that’s much more certain. Until then, we’ll find a lot of funny things if we go looking for true knowledge about writing’s history.

One of the more outstanding things you can find if you start Googling “history of writing” is Wikipedia’s entry. Right at the top of the article, these words appear: “This article needs additional citations for verification.” One of the root meanings of the word citation is: “written notice to appear”…

A written article about the history of writing needs additional written notices before is can be verified? Whew!!

Two things stand out if you look into the written record of the history of writing. Our earliest writing ancestors have left us some amazing accounts of massive wars in the sky that brought great suffering on earth. To me, the most amazing thing about such accounts is that, without any way to get together to make sure their stories agreed, writers in widely separated areas of the Earth all wrote essentially the same things. Makes ya wonder, eh?

The other outstanding piece of the puzzle of the history of writing is that another large chunk of it is full of information on how to make the best beer.

O.K. Our earliest fellow writers were drunk and telling fabulous tales.

Now, this is something I can believe 🙂

If your whole economic and social structure revolves around raising and eating grain (with a side dish of meat) and you wake up one day and there are titanic thunderbolts in the sky, arching back and forth between the planetary gods of your people, raining hot ash and pukey fumes, why not get good and drunk on fermented liquid grain and write it all down. Hell, maybe some writer in the distant future will find your story and make an academic industry that gets good funding to pretend they know what really happened………
Follow the “co-author” of Notes from An Alien, Sena Quaren:
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Are Indie Author Book Tours Worthwhile?

As anyone who follows [my] blog or reads Publetariat regularly already knows, my financial circumstances have been precarious lately. Because of this, I’ve concluded I simply can’t afford to do the self-financed book tour I had planned to support the release of The Indie Author Guide. "But April," you may ask, "how can you afford not to be out there, promoting your new book? Isn’t that what all us indie authors are supposed to do?" The answer, as per usual, is, "It depends."

First, let me break down the realities of small-time author book signings for you. By "small-time", I mean pretty much anyone who isn’t such a household name that velvet ropes and barricades will be required for crowd control at the event. Having spoken to numerous local bookstore managers, I’ve learned they consider a small-time author event that sells 25 books to be a huge success. On average, ten copies is more typical, and isn’t considered a disappointment. Given that the author is only earning about a dollar, maybe less, on each of those sales, even if the event makes it over the "huge success" bar of 25 copies sold the author’s eventual profit from the event will be $25 or less. Remember, the author won’t see dime one of that $25 for many, many months—and maybe not at all, if the book doesn’t earn back the author’s advance (on a mainstream-published book).

Let’s go even further, and say every person who bought one of the 25 copies convinces two friends to buy copies, also. Net cumulative profit for the author is still just $75 or less, and this is under ideal, maximum-sales circumstances. Now subtract what you spent on gasoline traveling to and from the event, plus the cost of any snacks or drinks you purchased en route or while there. Your eventual profit probably stands somewhere around $60 for six to ten hours of your time. And again, this is a maximum-sales scenario we’re talking about. It’s far more likely you’ll sell ten or fewer copies, in which case all your royalty proceeds will be consumed by expenses.

If that time would’ve been spent watching TV, napping, or otherwise devoted to leisurely pursuits, then a signing event can still be a worthwhile alternative for you. Even if it’s not super-successful, it’s getting you out of the house, giving you more practice in meeting with the public, and providing an opportunity to win over a few fans. It may also provide fodder for pictures and video to post to your website or blog.

But most indie authors have (and need!) day jobs, and mine is freelancing as an author services provider (e.g., editing, formatting, ebook conversions, etc.). I don’t work a nine-to-five, Monday through Friday schedule. Since I still have young children at home who require my attention and supervision whenever they’re not in school, I get quite a bit of my work done in the evenings and on weekends when they’re on visitation with their father—in other words, during the hours when store managers like to schedule signing events. For me, the choice on a given Saturday isn’t between burning through a few more titles on my Netflix queue or spending that time promoting my book instead, it’s between earning hundreds of dollars or spending that time promoting my book instead.

Right now, I simply can’t afford not to be working.

I’m going to honor my commitment for the first date that was set, at the Montclair Plaza Borders from 2-6pm tomorrow, 1/8/11, but that’s it as far as my book tour is concerned.

I’m also already set to speak at the Writer’s Digest Conference in Manhattan the weekend of 1/21-1/23/11, where I’ll be on a couple of discussion panels and will also be presenting a Kindle publishing workshop. My travel expenses are paid, but I’m on the hook for my own meals, parking at the airport, and any other incidentals. I’ve decided it’s still worthwhile for me to do this because of the opportunity to meet up with not only my fellow indie authors, but also with the other speakers. The latter group includes several whom I’ve "known" through online interaction over a period of years, but have never met face-to-face. I’ll be losing money on that weekend, most definitely. But it’s hard to put a pricetag on the value of maintaining relationships in the business, or on the value of an opportunity to give more of my fellow indies some of the information or how-tos that can help them realize their dreams of publication. It’s also a better promotion opportunity for me than a book signing because of all the national promotion Writer’s Digest is doing for the event.

So when deciding whether or not to do a signing or speaking event, you have to weigh not only the matter of how much you stand to earn financially and in intangibles, but how much you will be required to give up in exchange. Sometimes, it’s worth it. Sometimes, it’s not.

*UPDATE* I did my stint at Borders yesterday, all four hours of it. I spoke to exactly five store patrons, and sold exactly one copy of my book in the store. It’s interesting to note that three of the five patrons said they planned to buy my book online, where its price would be lower. Given that I enjoy talking shop and can burn through four hours in a bookstore without even trying any day of the week (and twice on Sundays), it wasn’t a bad way to spend an afternoon. Still, it was obviously not a profitable event in terms of book sales, and for me, that time would’ve been much better spent doing freelance work.


This is a reprint from April L. Hamilton‘s Indie Author Blog.

Getting Reviews

An oft asked question by authors and small presses is, “Why can’t I get any reviews?” Let me share some insider info about the book review process and how to swim with the current.

Back in the early 2000s, I began writing reviews of books we sell in our bookstore to send to the American Booksellers Association for their consideration for inclusion in BookSense (now called IndieBound) reading lists that were sent to 1,200+ independent bookstores every month. I did enough of that with positive feedback to convince me I should start a book review company, , in June of 2002.

It didn’t take long for the word to get around that I was willing to take on all genres in both book and manuscript form. I developed a rubric-based review methodology, which I taught to a number of bright volunteers. The submissions began rolling in, and I and my helpful friends started picking and choosing books for review and posting them on line, all for free. I developed submission guidelines and expected that folks would abide by them—WRONG!  The following will explain some of the reasons why people find it hard to get a review.

Would you submit to an agent or a publisher without first checking to see what they are interested in repping/publishing and how they want to see submissions? You would think certainly, yet so many writers do that without doing their due diligence. Not doing so is just another filter to weed you out. The same is true for book reviewers. If a reviewer says, please don’t send such and such genres, why would one send something in that group and even try to convince the reviewer to take it on anyway. That raises hackles very quickly, and no, don’t expect him or her to send back your book, whether it’s on their dime or yours. Reviewers just don’t have time. I would get 400+ submission requests a month plus a large number of books that were sent without requesting permission.

Following submission guidelines and requesting first (if that is what the guidelines require) is just common courtesy. Initially, it would concern me, but I quickly developed an awfully hard nose. If the author didn’t submit as I wanted it, the submission went into the trash can without an explanation. I just didn’t have the time to explain the obvious. Oh, so you think you know the reviewer’s guidelines? You’ve submitted to him before, so now you’re an old pro—NOT! Conditions and guidelines change for good reasons. Before you send out another submission to someone who has reviewed you before, make sure the rules haven’t changed. I began charging a fee for book reviews about three years ago. Why and how are clearly laid out on my website, yet I still get submissions from people who never bothered to check first. If there is no accompanying fee, I toss it—Read the Instructions!

You may ask, why would so many waste their books? Primarily because of mailing lists of reviewers. Some of them are offered free and some are sold by book marketing folks. Let the buyer beware. Don’t assume these lists have been vetted and are totally up to date. Again, do your due diligence. Check first before sending out your books blindly to a list.

What Else?

OK, so it’s common sense to learn the rules and to play by them. What else can you do to better your chances? Begin reading reviews on and off line. Look for reviews which are similar to or related to your book. If they got reviewed by a reviewer, maybe yours might be attractive to him as well. Be sure to refer to the other book and where you saw its review—reviewers are only human and like to be noticed, too. If you’ve read the other book, mention what you liked (don’t tear it down) and suggest yours has some attractive features as well. WARNING! Never, NEVER,NEVER, enclose a bunch of reviews by other reviewers or write one yourself and suggest the reviewer might find it helpful. BIG TIME INSULT! Let the reviewer do her job without anyone else’s unwanted help.

Don’t place any time constraints for when you need it. Your needs and timing are not his. Don’t bug them about if and when. You’ll get it if and when you get it. The exception to this is if you paid a fee for a review. That is a different situation entirely.

Get Real

If no one knows you, don’t expect much interest from major reviewing sites and journals. They have enough to do keeping up with major, established writers. Remember over a quarter of a million new books are being published each year and more are on the way. It’s hard to get noticed in a crowd like that. Don’t be afraid to send a strong query. You might get lucky, but don’t submit without asking. Get on Google, etc and search for lesser known reviewers and query them. A review is a review. Remember, it’s not so much about who sees it where, it’s about getting quotes that can be used on marketing pieces and book covers. Let me show you what I mean. The following is a review I did for free for one of my twitter followers, then I will show you how her mother took what I said and turned it into a strong NYTs advertisement:

Title: The Fire Stone
Author: Riley Carney
Publisher and/or Distributor: Book Light Press
Publisher Website:
Pages: 305
ISBN: 9780984130702
Price: $20.95
Publishing Date: 2010
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts
This YA Fantasy is exceptionally remarkable in that it is the first in a series (Reign of the Elements) of five books, with a new series soon to begin, all written by a sixteen-year-old young lady from Colorado. It features a Cinderella-like human boy, Matt, a magical giant bird-like Alorath named Sam, two elves, a dwarf, a wizard, and a warrior. Matt has been abused by his parents all his fifteen years. In between his many chores, he has been taught by the dwarf, and now the wizard steps forward to watch over Matt and guide him on a totally new path on his own. He can’t help but pick up more friends along the way to saving small kingdoms and searching for the first elemental talisman—the Fire Stone. All the time he and his friends and mentors fight against forces of the Dark Lord in a race to obtain the stone. Matt discovers he is capable of magic and also learns how to fight to defend himself and the forces of good.

Ms Carney reminds me so much of Christopher Paolini and his youthful start. She includes the best elements of a good fantasy without going overboard. Her characters are likeable and realistic. The plot has plenty of twists, with friends and family really being totally what they did not seem. There is humor, coming of age, values, and logic buried throughout the story. It’s a pleasant read for young and old. We rated this book five hearts.

And Now the NYTs Ad:

Ages 9-14 This YA Fantasy is exceptionally remarkable in that it is the first of a series (Reign of the Elements) of five books, all written by a 16-year-old.

Ms Carney reminds me so much of Christopher Paolini and his youthful start. She includes the best elements of a good fantasy without going overboard. Her characters are likeable and realistic. The plot has plenty of twists…There is humor, coming of age, values, and logic buried throughout the story. Five Stars

Bob Spear, Author/Reviewer,


A NY agent contacted them and asked for a book to read. I’m not sure what came of it, but now you see why reviews used properly are important factors in your marketing plan.

Getting reviews and using them is a matter of common sense. Picture what a reviewer’s life must be like—harried and aggravated by people who come across rudely ignorant of the process. Then, try to structure any and all of your contacts with them in a friendly, no pressure, and courteous manner. The old saw about catching flies with honey applies.


This is a reprint from Bob Spear‘s Book Trends.

Rewriting While You Read ~ We All Do It …

What? We all rewrite what we’re reading? How in the world can I propose such an idea?

Matter of fact, I proposed it in two posts on my other blog: ReadWriteReadWriteReadWrite… & What’s It Like Inside When You Read A Book?.

In the second post just mentioned, I gave a little formula to help explain what I mean:

“Reading is to Writing as Hearing is to Speaking.”

Then, I asked a question:

“Do we always hear exactly what the other person’s saying?”

So, when we read, do we always get the meaning the author intended when they wrote the words?

In the case where we don’t hear what the other person’s saying, there are quite a few factors that can change the meaning as it travels from their mouth to our brain; one of the strongest being our own brain. We capture words with our ears and our brain reaches in and adds its own interpretation.

Sometimes, the change from spoken word to perceived meaning is as great as what the person at the end of the circle of whispered words says–almost always completely different from what the first person said…

Whether spoken or written, words are some of the slipperiest entities humans deal with.

As far as written words go, there is the common rewriting we can do when the book is old and the language has grown in a new direction.

But, what about a book written not long ago? Why would a reader’s brain insist on reinterpreting the meaning the author intended?

[My muse insisted I insert this sentence: "I certainly don’t mean that a reader can never understand anything about what the writer has written…"]

I wrote this post mostly to get you thinking and I’ll end it with a statement you may completely disagree with:

I think the reader’s rewriting of the book the author has written is totally natural and our world would be boring as hell if it didn’t happen 🙂

What do you think?
Follow the “co-author” of Notes from An Alien, Sena Quaren:
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Shelf Life

When my first mainstream-published book, The Indie Author Guide: Self-Publishing Strategies Anyone Can Use, shipped to booksellers at the end of November, I started checking the Borders and Barnes & Noble sites almost daily to find out when the book would become "available in-store". I planned on making the pilgrimmage to all my local stores to see my book on the shelves, but with some ambivalence.

After all, why should I, an outspoken indie author who says brick-and-mortar sales aren’t all they’re cracked up to be, care if my book is shelved in physical stores or not? I imagined I shouldn’t care at all…yet it seemed as if I did. At least, enough to visit the stores in person. I had to admit to myself that I did care, and I was kind of ashamed of that.

I imagined stepping into that first store, striding purposefully to the reference section, and being thrilled to find my book right there on the shelf next to all the others I’d so often perused in days gone by. I’d bring a camera with me, so I could enjoy that rite of passage so many authors I know have allowed themselves: having my picture taken, standing there in the bookstore with my book in hand, against a backdrop of shelves where several more copies of my book could be seen.

I further imagined coming back home to write a sheepish blog post about the whole thing, in which I’d have to come clean about still harboring some of those same mainstream publication fantasies as my peers who’ve remained steadfastly anti-selfpub, and who still view mainstream publication as the only publication that counts. Was it possible that in some way, however small and hidden from the world, I still believed it too? And if so, what would that mean?

I decided that having spent the majority of my years in a world where indie wasn’t a viable option for the great majority of writers, and where self-pub was heavily stigmatized, it was only natural that my brain would become imprinted with such notions and as a writer, I’d internalize them without even necessarily being aware of it. But if this were the case, as Ricky Ricardo might say, I’d have some ‘splainin to do.

Well, by now you’ve probably noticed there is no picture of me proudly brandishing my book posted here. The outcome of my little expedition to that first store surprised me.

As planned, I drove to my nearest store and walked in, camera in hand. I found five copies of my book on the shelf, and my reaction was one of, "Huh. So there it is. Yep. Right there." I felt no more excitement at seeing my book shelved in a Barnes & Noble than I might’ve felt eyeing my car coming out of the far end of a car wash. It wasn’t a thrill for me at all; it was merely a confirmation, like double-checking to ensure a deposit I’ve made was properly credited to my checking account. I didn’t bother having the picture taken, and as I was feeling more awkward than happy standing there, I left. And I didn’t bother visiting any of the other bookstores on my list.

I felt WAY more excitement than this when I saw my first self-pubbed  title listed on Amazon. THAT’S the moment when I felt like a "real" author. This was just…business.

Part of me feels sort of robbed of this nugget of joy I thought I had coming to me, but the larger part feels relieved to learn I can now say in all honesty and from personal experience, mainstream publication is not the be-all, end-all it’s been built up to be for people of my generation and older. If it’s been your lifelong dream to see your name on a book on a brick-and-mortar store shelf, I sincerely hope that dream comes true for you one day, and I have no intention of diminishing the importance or meaning of your dream for you. But if you’ve been of an indie mindset for any significant period of time you may be surprised to find—as I was—when that much-anticipated day of fulfillment finally arrives, your dream apparently changed at some point when you weren’t paying attention to it.

Probably when you were busy self-publishing.

This is a cross-posting from April L. Hamilton‘s Indie Author Blog.

Branding the Herd

This post, by Austin Wulf, originally appeared on his Write-Err Blog on 1/6/11.

Author platform. Writer brand. Trademark.

Whatever you want to call it. If you want to be a professional writer, you have to market yourself. I don’t care if you’re self-publishing or going the traditional route. In the age of social media and minute-long fads, we need to do everything we can as writers to keep our names in the minds of our prospective readers.

I recently watched a concert on TV with blues guitarist Joe Bonamassa. Between every song they interviewed him a bit and talked about his experiences both writing songs and being a professional musician. As a guitarist myself, I really dug it for a lot of reasons. But Joe said some things that struck a chord (ho-ho, bad pun) with me as a writer, as well.

In the world of writing, we are our own ad execs.

Bonamassa talked about something that a lot of writers these days are yamming on and arguing about: The indie movement. Granted, he was talking about it in terms of the music business, but a lot of the same principles apply to us wordy types. Joe has his own record label now, but in the past he has had record deals. He said that, in either case, he has to market himself. I don’t have an exact quote handy, but he said something to the effect of: “The label doesn’t promote you nearly as much anymore. Record sales are not where it’s at these days. You have to tour.”

Of course, writers typically go on tour to promote a book. We don’t really make money off of the tour directly like musicians do. But this point still rings true for us: Publishers aren’t doing the same marketing that they used to for authors. These days, it’s all about social connections and Internet presence. Every author should have a blog at the very least. A regularly updated one, at that. Why blog? It’s something we write in, in our voice, every day. It comes to represent us. It is a body of work that we can point to and say, “Hey, that’s me. I did that.” Ultimately, a blog is a website devoted to our writing voice. Are we narcissistic? I like to believe it comes with the territory and to an extent steels your skin for the hard parts of selling yourself. Like rejection.

Read the rest of the post on Austin Wulf’s Write-Err Blog.

Self-Publishing Can Be Just As Creative As Writing

I could say creative writing is right-brained and publishing is left-brained; writing is artistic, publishing all business. I could say that and I’ve heard it said by some “experts” but, even though I did just say it, my experience of both realms forces me to say it ain’t so.

For twenty-some years I wrote creatively and paid scant attention to publishing. I used to get my books published but never saw many sales. In fact, all my books except the one I’m working on now are free to download. I could apply what I’ve recently been learning about publishing and help them sell but I consider them my practice books, possibly well written but not as important to me as Notes from An Alien.

Even Notes from An Alien, when it’s published in April and can be purchased for cash, will still be available for free. One ultra-creative thing I’ve learned about self-publishing is that Free helps Sales–check out the article Giving It Away on Forbes.

There’s the whole argument raging in the hallways of the Internet about traditional vs. self-publishing but I’ll have to leave the particulars about that issue for a possible future post. All I’ll add right now is that, if you decide self-publishing is what you want, definitely check out FastPencil!

So, what have I learned about (self-)publishing that makes it not just some business activity that follows the creative joy of the writing discipline?

Well, the first truth that hit home in my study and activity to promote my forthcoming book (and promotion is critical, ’cause, if no one knows about it, it won’t sell), the first creative activity that publishing demands is forming relationships with people.  And, relationships, whether you form them in person or online, can be just as creative to begin and sustain as the partnerships authors have with their characters ( see my previous post 🙂.

If you were trying to find a mate in your personal life, you’d either play the field or, at least, study the field before you committed yourself. That takes creativity.

If you’re looking for a set of characters to populate a book, the process may be more “mystical” or artistic but you’d still be interacting creatively with potential characters.

And, when it comes to finding the audience for your book (and, you’d better start looking for them before or during the writing of the book), it’s not just some dry business-metrics activity. You have to get out there and flirt with the people, find out who responds, and start acting magnetic toward the best catches…

I could go on with the parallels of creativity in writing and publishing but blog posts are best digested when served in small portions. For more detailed info on publishing creatively, check out the list of links on Publetariat.

Have some experiences where you learned how to be creative about publishing?

Have some questions about why self-publishing might be better than traditional publishing?

Have some jokes about the pitfalls of creative writing/publishing?

Please, do share in the comments 🙂
Follow the “co-author” of Notes from An Alien, Sena Quaren:
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Sticking A Shiv In Mark Twain

I ran across a story yesterday about NewSouth, Inc’s intent to publish an expurgated version of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in which the n-word has been replaced. At first I assumed this to be some sort of fringe, crackpot effort. Upon reading further, however, I realized that a lot of thought had gone into the decision, and that the people behind the effort seemed sincere. That their objectives are misguided and ultimately untenable in light of their own stated beliefs only makes the decision to go ahead with the project that much more confusing and disappointing.

Before I question the individual and collective rationales that have led what appear to be otherwise decent people to the precipice of insanity, I want to make a larger point. Anyone over the age of twenty knows that you do not alter an author’s text to fit your world view. No matter how personally offensive you find an author’s words, no matter how society may have changed since a text was written, no matter how difficult open discussion of an author’s work might be, you do not, ever — ever — change an author’s text to make your life easier or better. You can write your own book, you can write volumes of criticism about the original text, but you’re not allowed to rewrite history for your own ends.

Everybody knows this, and until now I assumed that literary scholars and publishers understood the reasoning behind this prohibition better than most. That the initiator of this particular act of literary barbarism is Twain scholar Alan Gribben, a long-time English professor and head of the English Department at Auburn University at Montgomery, is almost mind-boggling. The publishers aiding and abetting Professor Gribben at NewSouth are Randall Williams and Suzanne La Rosa.

Anticipating pushback against his bastard child, Professor Gribben has already gone on a name-calling offensive:

Gribben has no illusions about the new edition’s potential for controversy. “I’m hoping that people will welcome this new option, but I suspect that textual purists will be horrified,” he said.

If you’re not familiar with the hallowed halls of academia, this is the kind of thing that professors say when they they’re trying to protect shaky intellectual turf. Accusing people of textual purism is a transparent preemptive attempt to demonize those who object to Professor Gribben’s literary crime. It also conveniently ignores the fact that intentionally changing words in order to make a work more appealing or salable has nothing to do with textual purism. What Professor Gribben is doing is not disputing or advocating for a version of Huckleberry Finn, but actively rewriting Mark Twain in a demented attempt to save Twain from himself.

That NewSouth has decided to publish Professor Gribben’s version of history is perhaps understandable from a business perspective, but disappointing in terms of the cultural stewardship we hope all publishers embrace. Again, no dissection of the publisher’s motives need be undertaken in order to understand how flawed this decision is and how completely it undercuts the foundations of authorship, history and culture. Any publisher’s attempt to alter an author’s words is a violation not just of that author’s work, but of every author’s work, and anyone who proposes going down that road for any reason — and I mean any reason — by definition lacks the necessary steel to assess, edit or publish literature.  

NewSouth and the Business Angle
However negligent, NewSouth’s decision to publish a surgically altered version of Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not necessarily sinister. It might be as well-intentioned as it is completely detestable. As I’ve noted previously, human beings have a tendency to attribute events to a single cause, rather than allowing for ambiguity or the possibility that multiple factors can lead to a particular choice or outcome.

Whatever public statements NewSouth has made about its motivation for publishing a violated version of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, it’s hard for me to imagine that doing so is a selfless act. I’m not suggesting that good deeds can only be done at a loss, but over the years I’ve noticed that the ability to make a buck has a funny way of nurturing and validating ideas that good people might otherwise reject. In this instance I see four ways in which NewSouth profits from hacking into The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn like a butcher lopping off a bit fat in order to better sell a juicy steak:

  • Publicity
    Given the cultural history of the work, and the explosive social impact of the n-word, this publishing decision is certain to gain notice, if not notoriety. Assuming that any publicity is good publicity, and given that Mark Twain is dead and can’t sue, I’m not sure there’s a financial downside here. With a well-timed press offensive, NewSouth might even be able to corner the market in works written by other revisionists, such as Holocaust deniers.
  • Cultural Sensitivity
    Nothing sells like deep concern for children. Attempting to shield children from the n-word while showering them with all of Mark Twain’s inoffensive words seems like a loving thing to do. If it’s for the kids, how can that be wrong? I mean, outside of all the ugly lessons that revising a work of art will be teaching those same students.
  • Timing
    NewSouth is “committed to a short turnaround, looking to get the finished product on shelves by February.” Could that have anything to do with increased interest in Twain resulting from publication of his autobiography late last year? Is the market demand for customized versions of classic stories suddenly exploding? And if so, why not start with a version of Huckleberry Finn that includes vampires? Or Snooki?
  • Money
    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is taught at colleges and high schools across the country. As such, it ships a lot of copies. That NewSouth has decided to expunge Mark Twain’s cultural obscenities in such a popular title fits the very definition of savvy marketing because of that perennial niche.

Allowing for Delusion
It’s possible for well-meaning people to do the wrong thing. Some issues — like this one — seem complex when they really aren’t. In trying to sort out the logical arguments it’s possible for good people to lose sight of the forest for the emotional and economic trees. That’s not an excuse for the solution that’s being proposed here, but it’s a reason, and one I believe I can make the case for using the principals’ own words.

Consider this from the About page on NewSouth’s web site:

“We gravitate to material which enhances our undertanding [sic] of who we are and which asks us to stretch in our understanding of others,” says La Rosa. “Our publishing program is defined by its strong cultural component.” Williams adds that the house’s titles are not exclusively Southern, but that its program specializes in books on Southern history and culture, “especially those which examine the role of individuals in creating or contending with the change and conflict which came to the region in the post-World War II era. We believe strongly in the transformative power of information and knowledge, and we hope that the books we publish offer collective insight that helps the region grow toward ‘the beloved community’ and the fulfillment of the democratic promise.”

It’s always possible to read such promotional copy as self-serving, but I tend to think La Rosa and Williams are sincere. But that only makes it more unbelievable that people so committed to “the transformative power of information and knowledge” have decided that one of the things they need to transform is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

I don’t believe any argument can be made that Huckleberry Finn needs fixing. It’s not broken or in need of repair. It is a completed work of fiction, and as such needs no rewriting by Professor Gribben. But Huckleberry Finn is also something else: a historical work — and it’s that aspect of the book that NewSouth and Professor Gribben are trying to come to terms with by rewriting the contents. In doing so they are ironically embracing the “the transformative power of information and knowledge” by transforming the very work they profess to revere.

NewSouth and Professor Gribben are producing a bastardized version of Twain’s book not because there’s something wrong with the book, but because the contents of the book prove problematic when the text is digested in modern classrooms. If anything, this motivation is worse than political censorship or any crass desire to make a buck. I say worse because no argument can be made that the teaching of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is critical to a basic education, or even to a basic education in American Literature. For every pro-Huckleberry argument put forward, other books which are less offensive to current social sensibilities can be substituted which allow students to practice critical analysis and gain an appreciation for literature in general or Twain in particular.

The teaching of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not required by law. It may be a tradition, and a historically important tradition, but it is still done by choice. If the social context of the times has evolved to the point that the contents of Huckleberry Finn are simply too confrontational or distracting for students to comfortably digest, then the obvious solution is not to stick a shiv in Mark Twain and make the bastard pay, but rather to revisit when and why The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should be taught.

NewSouth and Academic Myopia
In the United States we’ve had a long, long conversation about the use of the n-word. In my lifetime I’ve gone from hearing it infrequently from ignorant, racist, white Midwestern schoolmates, to hearing it routinely from redneck characters in redneck movies, as well as uniquely in Brian’s Song, to hearing it more frequently from African-American comedians and pop-rap stars, to hearing it almost not at all today.

At each stage in this cultural conversation the outcome has been the same: nothing good comes from everyday use of the n-word, no matter who’s using it. Nothing. While there is not and should not be a law preventing use of the n-word, the closest analogy I can think of to its place in modern American society is the swastika in Germany — which is outlawed by law.

That’s where we are right now: we agree there is no benefit to this word. Yet we also agree that Mark Twain is an important writer, and that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an important book, and that because the book-banning morons of the world are always going after that particular title we need to stand against attempts at censorship by insisting that students study a book that contains a word that will short their brains out for reasons that we all agree are completely valid. In every other instance we ask and expect our friends and peers and children to be aware of and respectful of the deep emotional force behind the n-word, but when it appears in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn we expect those same people to appraise the word with cool detachment.

Add to the mix the fact that high school and college students are often predisposed to bipolar bouts of philosophical extremism and crushing personal uncertainty, and the practical reality is that this detachment will be impossible for many students to attain. Readers that are freaked out about their brains and their bodies and their social status are going to have a hard time trying to ignore a hot-button word that they’ve been taught to despise, and all the more so when it’s presented in a historical text that has no immediate relevance to their lives.

Because there’s a long tradition of teaching The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, however, and because the teachers of today were part of that long tradition, and because nobody wants to admit that maybe the time for that tradition has passed, people who are heavily invested in that tradition keep advocating for its continuance — even to the point of gutting the original work. Why? Because doing anything else would involve asking a very tough question.

Huckleberry Finn was an important part of our cultural Civil Rights conversation for many generations. It connected modern Americans who read the text to the legacy of slavery and racism that existed and still exists in our country. Confronting the n-word in schools was important, which was why the book-banning morons wanted it banned. But that social conversation is now over. Racism still exists, but questions about the n-word have been asked and answered, and Huckleberry Finn and the people who taught that book — including Professor Gribben — were a critical part of that conversation.

Today there is almost nothing inherent in studying The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as a text that cannot be replicated by other means. It’s not critical to understanding race, slavery, literature, academic criticism or any other basic building block of a liberal arts education. For that reason, and in combination with the fact that the n-word is social anathema, a new and tough question needs to be asked. In what ways might the teaching of Huckleberry Finn now be inappropriate for, or punitively distracting to, modern students and their educational goals?

If people want to specifically study Twain’s works, yes, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should be included. If people want to study how literature impacted Civil Rights in America, yes, it should be included. If a professor wants to offer a course on Books That Changed America, yes, it should be included. Huckleberry Finn’s service to more generic educational goals, however, may indeed be compromised by its social relevance, and pretending otherwise is naive. More to the point, given that the collective social conversation about the n-word has essentially been resolved, teaching the book in that context has no application. It may even be possible that doing so makes it more difficult for some people to treat others in a colorblind way, or for people to be comfortable about their own color in and outside of a classroom.

Now sixty-nine years old, Professor Gribben appears to have devoted much of his life to the teaching of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It’s understandable from an emotional perspective that he would not want the book to lose its standing in academia. His own acknowledged interest in rewriting Twain is to keep the book alive despite changes in the cultural context:

“After a number of talks, I was sought out by local teachers, and to a person they said we would love to teach this novel, and Huckleberry Finn, but we feel we can’t do it anymore. In the new classroom, it’s really not acceptable.” Gribben became determined to offer an alternative for grade school classrooms and “general readers” that would allow them to appreciate and enjoy all the book has to offer. “For a single word to form a barrier, it seems such an unnecessary state of affairs,” he said.

Rather than see his life’s work as the culmination of a moment in which we all (or almost all) agree that the n-word has no place in society, and rather than exult in the fact that Twain was successful at goading us to have this conversation for so many years, Professor Gribben has convinced himself that his beloved book can still be taught if only it is rewritten for the modern reader. It’s not the work itself that matters, but the fact that it must continue to be taught — even if it has to be debased, gutted or neutered along the way.

It is in this sense that I also believe NewSouth has failed. As I said above, you don’t need to know anything except that the text of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is being altered to know that it’s wrong. The act is proof of the crime.

What NewSouth should be doing, if it believes that cultural norms are at legitimate odds with the teaching of Huckleberry Finn, is make a version of the book available which includes an introduction by Professor Gribben discussing and explaining and teaching the reader about the work in the context of this social moment. Better yet, throw in a link to Professor Gribben giving an online lecture on the subject.

That’s what somebody who loves Mark Twain and loves The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn would do. Despite NewSouth’s claims to the contrary, what they’ve said in announcing the publication of this sterilized version is that the teaching of Mark Twain is more important than what Mark Twain wrote. It’s more important to perpetuate the tradition of teaching Huckleberry Finn than it is to preserve Huckleberry Finn or to make sure that people who read Mark Twain read the words that came from his hand.

NewSouth, Professor Gribben and Education
Anyone making the argument that only politically correct texts should be taught to students — and particularly college students — has so completely lost sight of what the word integrity means as to have disqualified themselves from teaching anything to anyone. Not only do I not want students or anyone else to be given dumbed-down works, I don’t want teachers setting an example by revising works for students.

A real teacher — and I come from a long line of teachers — would never do this. A real teacher — meaning someone who wanted to teach others how to think, rather than to recite dogma — would never do this. A real teacher — meaning someone who recognized that the integrity of the source material was as critical as the lesson — would never do this. A real teacher — meaning someone who wanted the best for their students, rather than cheap affirmation of what they themselves spent their life obsessing over — would never do this. A real teacher would never, ever teach students that the popularity of a work of art is more important than the integrity of the work or the artist’s intent — if it can ever be known. A real teacher would never tell students that if something rubs them the wrong way they have the right to excise the bad stuff and keep what they like. That’s the province of marketing weasels, not scholars.

Let me repeat that: nobody who loved Mark Twain as a writer would ever, ever suggest changing a word of Huckleberry Finn to make it more palatable to an audience. Only someone lost in romantic nostalgia about teaching or in the meaning of their own life’s work could possibly suggest that Twain’s writing be changed in order to make it more likely to be read.

If Huckleberry Finn is age-inappropriate or class-inappropriate in some instances then it’s no different from thousands of other literary works. There’s no shame in that, and no implication of censorship. The onus is on teachers to make these judgments and act accordingly, not to rewrite texts to evade such limitations.

Removing the n-word from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not an act of bravery. I encourage Professor Gribben and NewSouth to revisit their tortured rationale for birthing this abomination. There is no place for this work. There is no justification for this work. There is no excuse for this work


This is a reprint from Mark Barrett‘s Ditchwalk.

On Changing Your Life, Writing And Marketing A Book With Joanna Penn

This podcast is an interview with me about career and life change which is relevant for the New Year. I was  interviewed a few months ago by Kathleen Alexander from Clever Fox, who guides self-motivated individuals, budding entrepreneurs and solo-preneurs though starting their own business or in launching an ‘outside of the box’ career.

In the intro, I mention my new year’s resolution post and also JA Konrath’s post ‘You should self-publish‘.

In this podcast you will learn:

  • What motivated me to try to change my life and career after 13 years of being a business consultant. How life got in the way for years before I made the goal to write a book and finally achieved it.
  • About how I wrote my first book, How To Enjoy Your Job, and then took my own advice  and started something on the side whilst still working. How I wanted to share everything I learned along the way which is why I started the blog.
  • On scalable income. The myth of passive income but how you can create a book/product to earn more money than just swapping your hours for cash.
  • On finding your passion and getting what you focus on. How The Creative Penn has changed in the two years since I started it, and how my own goals have changed. Start with some goal in mind but start down the slope like a skier and then you can zigzag down, changing your direction as you go. The law of attraction requires action.
  • Why should someone try to write or publish a book as a serious business strategy? It gives you credibility and helps you stand out from the crowd. With, you can publish globally and market internationally. It can also solidify your own knowledge and help you understand how you can share your work with the world. Creating a book can be the basis of your other products for multiple streams of income.
  • On the phrase “published author”. You can be published on and have the same digital shelf space as anyone else.
  • My top 3 tips on marketing your book. Based on my experience, blogging is my no. 1 tip. My blog has been the basis of all the income I’ve made online with book sales, speaking and all the other opportunities that have come my way. It’s your home on the internet, your online hub.
  • Social networking is a must. I started doing this because I had to, but it becomes a pleasure and a hobby. I like Twitter but you might like other networks. Twitter is full of entrepreneurs and bloggers, although now it’s also more mainstream. On growing Twitter followers.
  • Multi-media is powerful, including audio and video. You stand out in a world where people are still scared of the technology. It can help people get to know you, then they might like you and trust you.
  • Being helpful is a massive driving force for me, as it is for other people. It’s also the best way to build a following.
  • How self-publishing is now moving towards indie publishing, or independent publishing. The stigma is diminished and being replaced by the pride of indie authors! How print on demand can change your life, saving you time and money. No stock, no money upfront, no postage pain. On publishing ebooks and the Kindle. (Lots more on publishing options here) On perceived differences between print and ebooks, and my rant on why you should be selling ebooks even if you don’t want to read them. (Note – the costs for formatting ebooks are more like $100-$150 now)  
  • On working 4 days a week and achieving while working. Working 4 days a week has enabled me to make the change and grow The Creative Penn slowly. It frees up a whole day worth of creation. I had done the big event before when I quit and sold my house to make a go of writing. It failed so this time I decided to work on it slowly, with a period of transition. How my job just pays the bills now,  I opted out of the IT career. It pays the bills while I build my future. Having the bills paid means you don’t desperately grasp any opportunity, but you can choose what fits your ultimate goal.
  • You also have to consider what you want to give up to write your book. I gave up one day a week of work and also gave up TV, as well as a very small social life! I also know what I want to achieve and I’m focused on that entirely. I am controlled about my time and diarize work time, novel time etc. I mention Hyla Molander who is writing a memoir with 4 kids.

Thanks again to Kathleen Alexander from Clever Fox for the great interview. This is a reprint from Joanna Penn‘s The Creative Penn.

Can An Angel Be A 51-year-old Guy from Colorado?

My answer to this post’s title is, Yes!!

I’m not sure about the meanings of “angel” that include the winged variety but the ones who live up to the root meaning of angel, Messenger, are alive and well; and, one of them, in the guise of Joel Blaine Kirkpatrick–husband, father, son, brother, author–from Southwest Colorado, has given me an angelic gift that can only help me in my never-ending efforts to promote my forthcoming book, Notes from An Alien.

I met Joel in the forums of BestsellerBound, “…a place for independent authors to connect with readers.”

That was months ago and he seemed like a great person. He even shared some feedback with me about my book 🙂


Last month, he dropped an Angel Bomb. He offered me and 62 other authors a chance to be included in three Anthologies that would have the first chapters from our books along with pictures, bios, and Web links. And, not only did he take on all the work to produce these e-books, he’s distributing them as widely as he can! And, they’re Free!!

I uploaded them to this blog and I’ll put the links at the end of this post. But first, a few words from Joel himself:

“Book marketing, it turns out–immediately–can be quite a chore. It is not always something Indie authors can make a great deal of time for.  All of us Tweet, and Facebook, and link in other places like crazy, but, visibility is something that is not easily generated, with those short bursts.

“I wondered for a long time, what good effort would provide the highest visibility. Free books seem to get lots of attention. Many people seem tempted to at least sample free items when they are available. Yet, even that can be a crowded arena.

“All that wondering led me in a very natural direction; the great forum at , that is a growing group of really fine people, all with a similar problem as mine. I guessed they could be collected, in a massive promotion that could be unique.  I could not imagine any other display with such appeal. All I needed to do, was ask.

“They responded, in droves. It has been more fun, putting all those authors together, than I expected. And a lot less work that anyone might imagine. (But, leave that part secret…we don’t want too many copycats.  :-)”
~ Joel

Joel has four novels to his credit…

And, here are those Anthologies the Angel Joel created:

I’d *love* your feedback about this angelic promotion gift in the comments 🙂

Follow the “co-author” of Notes from An Alien, Sena Quaren:
On Facebook
On Twitter
AND, Get A Free Copy of Our Book

The Incredible Self-Publishing Journey of Marlo Morgan and the Mutant Message Down Under

Back in the early 1990s, when “new age” centers were sprouting like magic mushrooms, and there was more “ancient” knowledge being revealed than would seem to fit into the entire ancient world, sensational stories came and went.

But if you were tuned into that world, you would have heard strange stories about a woman who had been where no white woman had been before, and brought back the secrets of the Aboriginal tribes of Australia.

The wave of interest and rumors was set off by Marlo Morgan, an American writer with a sensational story to tell. In 1991 she self-published her tale of indigenous wisdom and magic under the title Mutant Message Down Under.

Self-Publishing an Ancient Wisdom Adventure Tale

The book told the story of Morgan’s travels to Australia and meeting with a mysterious tribe of Aborigines, who strip her of all her possessions and take her on a “walkabout” into the outback for months.

The author describes the amazing powers of the apparently primitive tribe, their ability with telepathy, with using plants to perform miraculous feats of healing, of their attachment to and understanding of the natural world.

Throughout the book Morgan takes a matter-of-fact journalistic approach to reporting her experiences. She learns to let go of her anxieties, to rely on her own intuition, and how connected she is to the natural world.

There’s a feeling of mystery and discovery in the book, and you come away with a genuine awe for the simple but apparently very deep and complex people who gave her this experience, as well as a newfound respect for the “oneness of all things.”

Spreading the Word


Marlo Morgan Mutant Message Down Under, self publishing

The Original: Click for Amazon page

The book found an audience among the many spiritual seekers who responded viscerally to Marlo Morgan’s message of oneness, respect for the indigenous peoples, and the transcendent nature that we have within us.

Sales exploded, and the little self-published book sold over 370,000 copies. It attracted the attention of HarperCollins who issued a 250,000-copy printing of the book in 1994. Mutant Message Down Under spent 31 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. Eventually HarperCollins would go on to sell almost a million copies of the book.

This type of success for a self-published book is rare enough, but the story gets more interesting.

In Books, Things Are Not Always What They Seem

Eventually, the Aborigines themselves stepped into the picture. They denied that the author had any knowledge of Aboriginal culture, or any experience of them at all. The Dumbartung Aboriginal Organisation issued a report, after a thorough investigation:

They claim that Aboriginal groups believe Ms Morgan’s desert journey to be fabricated and that her book and teaching lack credibility. The Dumbartung Aboriginal Organisation stated that it was deeply offensive to Aboriginal people for a white woman to be misrepresenting Aboriginal culture for self-promotion and profit. Aboriginal people expressed anger that Ms Morgan’s false message is being accepted as fact by a naive American and European market and were extremely concerned about the resulting long term implications for their culture. (Wikipedia)

Eventually, a delegation came to the United States to confront the author, who apparently admitted that she had fabricated the whole story. But book buyers never heard that part of the message, and continued to buy the book in large numbers.

It didn’t stop others from piling on Ms. Morgan. Australians analyzed every part of her story and deduced that she had never visited Australia at all from the numerous errors in her book. Some people went so far as to criticize the book’s typography, claiming that setting the words “Down Under” upside down on the cover was in itself a slap in the face.

It Just Keeps Going

In 2004 HarperCollins issued a tenth-anniversary edition of the book, so we can assume it was still selling well. But the publisher seems schizophrenic when it comes to categorizing the book.

Since the factual nature of the book has been exposed as false, it’s listed as “fiction” in their catalog. But here’s some copy from their website, under a “Mutant Message Down Under Reading Guide“:

An American woman is summoned by a remote tribe of nomadic Aboriginals, who call themselves the “Real People,” to accompany them on a four-month long walkabout through the Outback. While traveling barefoot with them through 1,400 miles of rugged desert terrain, she learns a new way of life, including their methods of healing, based on the wisdom of their 50,000-year-old culture. Ultimately, she experiences a dramatic personal transformation. Mutant Message Down Under recounts a unique, timely, and powerful life-enhancing message for all humankind.

Doesn’t sound like a description of a novel, does it?

But the strangeness of this book and it’s publishing journey doesn’t stop there.

DIY Self-Publishing Defies Reason


Marlo Morgan Mutant Message Down Under, self publish a book

Click to enlarge

The original self-published version of Mutant Message Down Under did not win any awards. In fact, the book is pretty much a disaster. There’s no credit to whoever printed it, but that’s probably a good thing.


The book is set in san-serif type, but there are also sections set in a serif face. There’s no reason or explanation for why this might be, but the printing is so bad that readers may not notice that the faint, gray type switches designs here and there throughout the book.

It’s decorated with numerous “primitive” drawings by Carri Garrison, there are entire sections set in ALL CAPS, and apparently it was typeset on some kind of word processor, since there are double spaces between the sentences. Since there’s no hyphenation in the book, some of these spaces are truly large enough to hide a case of Foster’s lager. Reading it is a chore.

And yet the book was a runaway success. The copy I have has quotes on the back from Og Mandino, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and Wayne Dyer, all world-famous figures even then. Here’s what Dyer had to say:

A powerful message for all of us. I was hypnotized by the simple truths and spiritual lessons. Read it and tell everyone you know to do the same.

I guess just about everyone followed that advice, and you can’t blame Dyer for being taken in, along with hundreds of thousands of other readers.

But I took a lesson away from this publishing phenomenon. Marlo Morgan had something, even if it wasn’t a strict adherence to the truth.

She could really tell a story, and be convincing. The book is personal and mesmerizing. It exerts a powerful pull on many people who read it. At its heart, the book appeals to a strong inner yearning for good, for believing in the magical properties of the world, it appeals to our desire that there be people with a way of knowing the world that’s completely different from our logic-driven way.

Here’s a comment from a reader on Amazon:

After completing the book and studying the controversy surrounding it, I was truly disappointed to learn that the real Aborigines are, apparently, nothing like the ones portrayed in the book, and their culture no more enduring than that of thousands of other cultures, now extinct. The Real People portrayed in the book are so much more interesting and worthy of admiration, IMHO.

I suspect this reader is not alone in preferring Ms. Morgan’s invented tribe to the Aborigines fighting to protect their culture. And that’s the most amazing thing about this book, in a way. Despite everything, it gives some readers a transcendent experience while they’re reading it. Carried clear away from our world to a simpler, more intuitive place, the author communicates her message of ecological and spiritual necessity in a way that hooks readers and won’t let them go.

When you can be so convincing that readers prefer your reality to the actual reality around them, that’s something. In the end, that might be the most remarkable part of this self-publishing journey.

This is a reprint from Joel Friedlander’s The Book Designer.

From J.A. Konrath's A Newbie's Guide to Publishing: Guest Post by L.J. Sellers

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to be spotlighting authors who have been selling a lot of ebooks. By "a lot" I mean near as many as I am, or more.

I can name at least ten authors making a very nice living self-publishing, and most of them don’t have the platform, experience, or traditionally published backlist like I do.

 There is money to be made, and you don’t have to be a midlist writer with years of experience in order to make it.

I Left My Publisher, Gave Up on Bookstores, and Started Making Money
by L.J. Sellers, author of the Detective Jackson mysteries

In January of 2010, I had one book on Kindle and sold 31 copies. I had two print books on the market with a small publisher, and they weren’t selling much better. In December, I had six books on Kindle and sold over 10,000 copies. To get from point A to point B, I had to make some radical decisions.

Several circumstances came together this year that forced me to rethink everything about my publishing career. First, I have to thank Joe for inspiring me to believe that I too could become a successful e-book author. The other incentive came from a round of layoffs in March for both my husband and myself.

I decided I had to stop wasting time and money on things that weren’t working and focus on things that were. What wasn’t working for me was my small publisher, which couldn’t get my books into bookstores. What was working for a lot of people was the growth of e-book sales.
I set aside the novel I was writing and got busy saving my career.

The first step was to rewrite and self-publish on Kindle a standalone thriller I had completed but never sold. I’d once had a big-name agent for it, so I knew it was solid. I also had a second standalone thriller that my publisher had offered a contract for, but I hadn’t signed it yet—because the book wasn’t scheduled to be released until late 2012. That seemed like an eternal and foolish wait. I had a mortgage to pay immediately. What made sense was to get the two thrillers into the digital world where readers were buying. I took the second major step and let my publisher know I was withdrawing my standalone.

I spent a couple months rewriting and updating the stories, then I paid for editing and cover design. I withdrew the money from my miniscule retirement account and considered it an investment in my future.

In August, I published the two thrillers (The Baby Thief and The Suicide Effect) on Amazon’s DTP. At that point, I had one foot in each world. I was self-published, but I still had a traditional press for my series.

Next, I rerouted my promotional efforts toward e-book readers. I quit sending marketing material to bookstores and instead joined several Kindle forums, where I participated in discussions. I got more active on Goodreads and did five back-to-back book giveaways just for the exposure. I wrote a dozen guest blogs and sent them all over the Internet.

My sales jumped significantly. By then my publisher had uploaded the second Detective Jackson story (Secrets to Die For) to Kindle, and I started thinking about how much money I could make if my publisher wasn’t keeping most of my digital profits.

After the third Jackson book (Thrilled to Death) faced the same difficulty getting into bookstores, I decided withdraw from my press. It took a few weeks to finally make the call. Who willingly gives up a second publishing contract? Taking back my series meant foregoing the industry’s stamp of approval. I hated to let it go, but I felt I had no choice if I wanted to make a living.

So I called my publisher and asked for my Kindle rights back. I also asked to be released from the contract for the fourth Jackson story (Passions of the Dead). I knew the manuscript had not been edited, so no time or money had been invested. My publisher was not happy, but graciously granted my requests.

Letting go of that contract was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Not only did it mean taking on the “self-published” stigma, it also meant giving up book signings, which I love. But I had looked into the future and determined that bookstores were not where most people would buy their novels in 2012. For once, I wanted to be ahead of the curve.

I sent my Jackson files to be converted to e-books, then uploaded my versions to Amazon, as my publisher took hers down. At that point, I had five books selling on Kindle, and my numbers were getting better every month. While the last manuscript was out for editing and cover design, I bought an inexpensive ad on the Kindle Nation newsletter and increased my online promotional efforts. Sales took another huge leap.

When I released the fourth Jackson story on Kindle, I dropped the price of the first book in the series (The Sex Club), to $.99. Sales for the first book skyrocketed, and a week later, sales for the follow-up stories nearly doubled.

I’m also fortunate that Mystery Scene magazine has been supportive, giving me great reviews and featuring me as an author. I received another terrific review in its Holiday issue and that pushed both e-book and print sales.

Yes, I’ve made all my books available in print through CreateSpace, and I’ve contracted with INgrooves to target all the non-Kindle devices and libraries too.

Interesting side note: For the fourth Jackson book, I made more money from Kindle sales in the first two weeks than I had made from my publisher in two years. If I had stayed with the contract, that book would not have been released for another nine months. Life is too short to wait for someone else’s publishing schedule.

Now in December, I have six e-books on the market, with all the royalties coming to me. The Sex Club consistently ranks in one of the top three spots on Kindle’s police procedural list, and the three other Jackson books are almost always in the top 20 or 30 on the same list. I’m happily writing a fifth Jackson story and calling myself a full-time novelist.

Joe sez: L.J. is a perfect example of all the things I’m constantly harping about:

1. Good books.
2. Good covers.
3. Good book descriptions.
4. Low prices.

She was smart enough to leave her publisher, and savvy enough to do a lot of marketing, including giving away freebies and working the social networks. By treating this as a business, and acting like a pro, she’s managed to hit a lot of Kindle bestseller lists. She also has a backlist of several books; which is akin to shelf space in a brick and mortar store. The more books available, the more customers who will see them.

10,000 ebooks in a month is damn impressive. If she keeps this up, she’s going to make a nice chunk of change in 2011, and beyond.

Here are some other successful self-pubbing writers whom I’ve interviewed, or who have guest posted on my blog:


What’s The Relationship Between A Writer & Their Characters?

Here I go again, treading into dangerous territory. Last post, I put my thoughts about the proper function of fiction on the line. Now, I’m going to expose my beliefs about the writing process itself.

I’m calling this dangerous territory because the word “danger” comes from roots that mean the “power of a lord or master”. And, the last thing I am is some kind of lord, master, guru, or expert. So, putting my thoughts and feelings about writers and their characters out into the communal space of the Internet is dangerous because it might seem like I think you should believe what I say. In the last post, I mentioned that my thoughts would probably make some folks want to argue with me and it will probably happen this time to. Good thing I’m brave 🙂

So, let’s get to it–writers have characters. Where do writers get those characters? Why do so many writers talk about their characters as if they were real? And, even more amazing, how in the world could an otherwise rational writer say, with heart-felt conviction, that one of their characters made them change what they intended to write? If you’re not a writer and don’t know anything about writers, you’ll either have to take my word that writers really think their characters can change their minds or do a bit of Googling…

I should qualify what I’m talking about just a bit. Obviously, we’re considering fiction writers and, maybe obviously, we’re dealing with serious writers–the kind that can’t not write; those people who risk their social lives by continuing to engage in an activity that seems miraculous to non-writers. You can tell a serious writer, no matter the maturity of their craft, because they refuse to give up on their writing no matter how difficult it becomes.

I want to quote Sonia Simone here because this determination of writers to persevere comes from what’s called a growth mindset; and, in just a minute, I’ll be bringing in a real master/guru (who some folks would call exceedingly dangerous) to explain the source of a growth mindset.

Says Sonia: “All babies and small toddlers have a growth mindset. If you’ve ever watched a baby learn to walk and talk, you’ve seen the growth mindset in action. They get frustrated, sure. But giving up is never an option, even for a moment. They’re driven by that quest for mastery. No one fails to learn to walk or talk because we get depressed and think it’s too hard or we aren’t ‘talented’ enough.”

No, I don’t think all serious writers are babies, though they do seem to have a deep childlikeness at times. The reason for the quote is that writers have to struggle with characters to create what we read. They don’t just get born with some weird talent to create fiction that seems real–they work very hard at it, sometimes fight with their characters, usually have to change and grow personally because the characters are spookily right.

So, where in the hell do these characters come from? I believe they live in what Carl Jung (the potentially “dangerous” guru I mentioned) called the Collective Unconscious. For now, let’s just say the characters live way, way deep inside the writer’s mind. What’s truly weird about this character-creation process is that, even when a fiction writer “borrows” traits from people they know or even puts a real-life person in their work, the final character revealed is unique and clearly their own person.

How does a serious writer live anything like a normal life when things like this are going on in their heads? Some don’t live anything like a normal life. Some “control” the effects of relating to their characters with drugs. Some take refuge in spiritual or psychological realms that “explain” the process. Some create brilliantly for a short time then flame out like a meteor…

If you’re a writer, please share your thoughts and feelings in the comments…

Last thought: Watch a writer take a photo of a criminal and create their own character from it 🙂
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How Meaningful A Metric Is Your Book's Amazon Sales Rank?

This guest post, by April L. Hamilton, originally appeared on Alan Baxter’s The Word on 1/2/11.

My new publishing series continues today with a post from April Hamilton called “How Meaningful A Metric Is Your Book’s Amazon Sales Rank?”, which is, obviously, all about the sales rank on Amazon. It makes for some pretty interesting reading. Check the links is April’s bio at the end, as there’s some good stuff in there. All yours, April:

How Meaningful A Metric Is Your Book’s Amazon Sales Rank?

Ah yes, the Amazon Sales Rank: that addictive bit of eye candy that can lift an author’s spirits into the stratosphere one day and hurl him down onto the rocks the next. In all likelihood neither reaction is truly justified, because a book’s Amazon Sales Rank is a temporary, relative thing, and does not mean what many authors think it does. If you want to get to the bottom of what your book’s ASR means, you might start by thinking about what the ASR does not mean.

First, it does not reflect a cumulative sales count. Let’s say Amazon has 1 million titles listed for sale on its site—it actually lists many more than that, but let’s keep the math simple. Let’s further say that Amazon opened its virtual doors exactly one year ago today, and your book is currently ranked #500,000. It would seem logical to assume the book that has sold the fewest copies over the past year would be ranked #1,000,000, the one that has sold the most copies would be ranked #1, and yours, ranked at #500,000, has sold exactly 499,000 fewer copies than #1 and 499,000 copies more than #1,000,000. But this is not true at all. Your book’s ASR is based on a much more complex algorithm that’s considered a trade secret by Amazon.

Second, your book’s ASR is not a dynamic line such as one might see on a sales chart, moving reliably upward each time a copy sells, and just as reliably downward when others’ books are selling and yours is not. ASR is recalculated hourly, and only includes titles that actually had sales activity during the hour in question, or were ranked within the top 100 in any category during that hour. This is how it’s possible for your book’s ASR to sometimes be higher than that of multi-million-selling books by authors along the lines of JK Rowling and Stephen King; if neither of them sold any copies in a given hour when you sold 2 copies of your book, your book’s rank will be higher than theirs’ for that hour. Your book is only being ranked relative to the performance of a small subset of all the books being offered for sale by


Read the rest of the post on Alan Baxter‘s The Word.