Sell More Books With These Critical Cover Rules

Covers are so important. And really there is a lot more that goes into one than you might realize to make it look professional. Unless you have a background in art, graphic design, or other related skills you really should do yourself a favor and hire someone. Trust me, your story is worth it.

Sell More Books With These Critical Cover Rules

Almost every author that reaches out to me wants to sell more books, so you’re not alone. But surprisingly, aside from doing no marketing, the number one hurdle is often the book cover design.

Unfortunately this is a much more common problem for indie authors because we’re left to our own devices, we don’t have a publishing house making expert recommendations  to a team of in-house professional designers.

But indie authors don’t get a free pass, if you want to sell more books you need to take a hard look at your book cover, and determine whether it’s supporting your book marketing in all the right ways.

Everything should be easy to read

Read the full post at Author Marketing Experts