Quick Link: Process Goals: 6 Ways Slowing Down and Thinking Small Will Help You Write Your Book

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Is it any wonder why I love Anne R. Allen and of course Ruth Harris when they do a great post like this?

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Process Goals: 6 Ways Slowing Down and Thinking Small Will Help You Write Your Book

by Ruth Harris

Psychologists differentiate between outcome goals (write a book) and process goals (the steps it will take to write a book). The outcome goal focuses on the big picture and the end result—a diamond-studded World Series ring, an Emmy, the winner’s circle at the Kentucky Derby.

An outcome goal (Bestseller! Glowing five-star reviews!) is one over which you have no control. No wonder you feel overwhelmed and intimidated before you even begin.

The big picture is, well, big. You can’t control it and it’s hard to define. Do you want a bestseller? NY Times or USA Today or both? A nomination for a literary prize? Pulitzer? National Book Award? A book your Mom/third grade teacher/college professor will be proud of? A book that will get revenge on the guy/gal who dumped you and prove to the world that they were wrong and you were right?

Even if you can pin down what you want from the book, you still have to write it.

OMG, a book? 60,000-100,000 brilliant, well-chosen words that actually make sense?

Read the full post on Anne R. Allen’s Blog With Ruth Harris