Going Dutch! Or Something.

I love finding concepts from different cultures that I can relate to.  Because I married into a German family, I was introduced to the word Schadenfreude some time ago. You know, the ability to enjoy someone else’s misfortune or humiliation.  Apparently enjoying different culture concepts is a thing now.  So here are a few that I know of.

One of my pictures of forest-bathing with the family. Nothing like the Sequoia Nation Park to keep you humble.

Niksen – Dutch. The ability to enjoy doing nothing. Which is actually very good for you to do as it gives your brain a much-needed break. So walk slowly and smell the flowers!

Shinrin-yoku – Japanese. Literally translated as “forest-bathing” it is the very healthy concept of spending time in nature to nurture yourself.

Hygge – Danish. A state of coziness. Often associated with wintertime, you really can appreciate and achieve a state of coziness at any time.

Jugaad –  Hindi. The art of converting misfortune into success or being able to make do with what you have or frugal innovation.

Lagom – Swedish. Having just the right amount or a balanced life.

Wabi-sabi – Japanese. Embracing imperfection, simplicity, and the transient nature of life.

I know I left out “Swedish death cleaning” but I learned about it from my German mother-in-law first.

What about you? Do you have any cool wisdom or concept share?