Well, Shit!

This isn’t the first report that shows the benefits of swearing, it is just the one that has monkeys. I love monkeys. But swearing can help ease pain and even make you seem more honest. So that is why I have such a potty mouth! I am just trying to honestly deal with my pain! Fuck raising eyebrows.

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Swearing Is Good For You—And Chimps Do It, Too

Cursing masks pain and builds relationships at work. But if you’re a woman, letting a profanity fly can still raise eyebrows.


When National Geographic caught up with Byrne at her home in London, she explained why humans aren’t the only primates that can curse and why, though women are swearing more today than before, it is still regarded by many as “unfeminine.”

Read the full post on National Geographic

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P.S. What is your favorite cuss word?