Correspondence from the NaNo fields – Help I am stuck in quicksand!

I am so far behind on my words! This is usually the time I start getting bogged down in my story and am trying to add details and depth. But I haven’t even had a chance to do that yet. My apologies to anyone who noticed I forgot to post yesterday.

Sometimes life seems to throw a perfect pitch into wrecking the best-laid plans. Alas. Le sigh. And all that jazz!

I am in the squish stage of life right now. Busy taking care of older parents and relatives but dealing with college kids and stuff. All of which means I am broke and tired right now. But happy to be blessed with so much love and life.

So if you think of it, throw me a lifeline or a comment and I will throw you one too! I am not giving up, and hope to catch up this coming weekend on my words. Writing marathon here I come!

Hope all is well with your writing,
