Quick Link: The Power of Instagram – Marketing Tips for Indie Authors

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Social media has to be a part of your marketing plan. But there are so many options and each option is not the same in terms of reaching new fans. Today’s offering by Penny Sansevieri at Writers In The Storm discusses how to use Instagram. Instagram is great, especially if you are looking to reach adults 18 – 30 ish.

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The Power of Instagram – Marketing Tips for Indie Authors

Instagram has seen staggering growth since Facebook purchased it. And every day, more authors are beginning to use it, with great success, to engage their readers, build their fan base, and sell books. And here’s why:

First, it’s simple to use. Second, it’s not nearly as ad-driven (yet) as Facebook, despite being owned by them. Third, Instagram is visually-driven, so it’s much easier to engage someone than it is on Facebook. Plus, it drives far high per-follower engagement than Facebook or Twitter, 58 times and 120 times more respectively.

Anyone can create an Instagram account, and there’s lots of information available on how to do so. So I’m going to go beyond the obvious tips like adding a good profile picture, and remembering to add your bio and your site URL. This is certainly important, but it’s not going to drive goal conversion (namely building followers and selling books) to the level that most indie authors prefer. So I’ve pulled together some tips on how to develop innovative Instagram marketing for whatever it is you’re promoting.

