Quick Link: 8 Tips for Editing Other Writers’ Work (While Remaining Friends)

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We have a tendency to surround ourselves with people who are like us, that have the same interests and hobbies. But when you are a writer and your friends are writer, it can get tricky. How can you tell someone you cherish in your life that perhaps their writing can use a little sprucing up.  Ali Luke posting on Helping Writers Become Authors has some great tips on how to be a good writer friend.

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8 Tips for Editing Other Writers’ Work (While Remaining Friends)

June 15, 2016

Real friends love you no matter what your color, species, or position on the Harvard Comma
Real friends love you no matter what your color, species, or position on the Harvard Comma

by Ali Luke

Have you ever been asked to edit someone else’s work? Do you need tips for editing without ruining friendships? You’re not alone!

If you’re part of a workshop group, or if you have a bunch of writer friends, then you’ll probably find yourself acting as an editor at some point. Perhaps:

In a group workshop setting, giving feedback on a draft-in-progress.
As a beta reader, taking on a whole completed manuscript.
As a paid editor, carefully reviewing a client’s work.
Your role is a significant one: as the editor, you could well make the difference between a so-so novel and one that really lives up to its full potential.

A bit daunting?

Probably. After all, you not only want to do a good job… you also want the author to still be on speaking terms with you afterwards. You also don’t want to end up spending countless hours perfecting someone else’s prose, at the expense of your own writing.

Top 8 Tips for Editing Someone Else’s Book

Here are eight key tips to have in mind when you’re editing (or thinking about editing) someone else’s work.

#1: Be Careful How Much You Take On

Do you struggle to say “no”? Me too (though I have two small children now, so I’m getting plenty of practice!)

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