Book Dedications To Spur Your Imagination

I was always fascinated by book dedications. Unfortunately, most books don’t have them. And many of the books that do have one, the dedication is usually too simple and cryptic to understand. But luckily, some dedications will give you a peek into the life of the author. They will give us a slight hint at a personal story or relationship that we will probably never get to learn more about.

Despite that, I always enjoyed finding a book dedication that made an effort to honor someone that had an impact on the author’s life. But, at the same time, it is especially nice to find a dedication that can also reach out to me and make an emotional connection. Here are a variety of book dedications that will help you to start to formulate your own.

Dedication (appreciation, hope)

We dedicate this book to healthcare professionals everywhere who have dedicated their life to helping those in need; and,

To healthcare students who do not yet realize the potential and importance of the career they have chosen; and,

To our students all over Long Island and New York City (and those that have spread out over the 50 states), and our readers all over the world, that work every day at making their career a success and our world a much better place in which to live; and,

Finally, we dedicate this book to you all with our love, appreciation, and thanks for allowing us to be a part of your lives.

Dedication (honor, reverence)

We dedicate this book to those who lost their life on 9/11/01;

and also to those who have given their life in the Global War Against Terrorism.

Publisher’s Dedication (hope, encouragement)

This book is dedicated to every person, young and old, employed and unemployed, educated and uneducated, that dreams of becoming financially independent and building a happy, successful, and rewarding life, but is too intimidated to take that first step.  It is the hope and dream of the Dickson Keanaghan family that this book might be that first step.

The Dickson Keanaghan Family

Long Island, New York, 2010

Dedication (predictable, sentimental)

I dedicate this book to my wife, Michele, who has been my partner in life and business, since 1984.

Dedication (sentimental)

To my wife Michele – it’s a privilege to share my business, life, and love with you.

To my children Eric and Erin – your growth provides a constant source of joy and pride.

Dedication (explanation, friendship)

To Mom, who pushed me to “do”;

To Dad, who loved me even when I didn’t;

And to Mary, who after 35 years has given me unconditional friendship and love.

Dedication (general, simple)

This book is dedicated to the mentors, friends, and family of Dickson Keanaghan:

John Doe, Jane Smith, Bob Squarepants, Jennifer Johnson, and Peter Pickles.

Dedication (hope)

To my children Eric and Erin, who will inherit this world and make it a much better place.

Dedication (predictable, simple)

To the reader . . .

I hope that you have at least half as much fun in the reading of this book as I’ve had in the writing.

Dedicated To (name dropping)

Capote, Talese, and Wolfe: They had the courage to break away and report the world to us in words more vivid, more dramatic, and more accurate.

Dedication (friendship, respect)

For Oliver Wendell Holmesian, Jr.: My law partner and cherished friend – an attorney of superb skill and perfect integrity, a trusted confidant, and a real mensch without whose encouragement, emotional support, good advice, and good cheer, none of my books would have been written.

Dedication (humorous)

To Evelyn Woodwind, whose suggestions made this a much better book than it might otherwise have been; And to Roberto Boscoe, who taught me most of what I’m now teaching, with apologies for beating him to the punch with this book.

This article was written by Joseph C. Kunz, Jr. and originally posted on