An Object Lesson In…Something

We here at Publetariat are all about supporting indie authors and small imprints, and we have no desire to dogpile on one of our own. The indie path can be a tough row to hoe; experience is often hard-won, and lessons can be very expensive to learn—as demonstrated by the firestorm currently raging around indie author Jacqueline Howett and a recently posted review of her book, The Greek Seaman.

Herewith, we provide the relevant links and invite readers to draw their own conclusions.

The Greek Seaman, reviewed on Big Al’s Books and Pals; here’s where the controversy begins, but the real story is in the comments section. As of this writing, there are 307 comments and counting.

On Salon – The Ebook That Launched A Thousand Flame Wars 

Threat Quality Press – On Jacqueline Howett – this post takes a more sympathetic and conciliatory tone

Steve’s Advice – The Passion of the Christ (and Jacqueline Howett) – another more sympathetic piece

Mur Lafferty – In Which I Play Good Cop And Bad Cop With Jacqueline Howett

Alicia Hendley – The New Cyber-Bullies: The Case of Jacqueline Howett – has Jacqueline Howett become the victim of a massive cyber-bullying campaign?

Self-Published Authors Lounge: How NOT To React To A Bad Review