If You Haven't Caught On To Smashwords, You've Dropped The Ball

I know a lot of the visitors to this blog are authors and many of you already use Smashwords. Any fans will know that we at Edward G. Talbot launched our first two ebooks last spring via Smashwords. Some of you may not know about Smashwords however. I’m here to tell you that you need to.

Smashwords is of course the place that allows you to publish your ebook to ALL of the major ebook retailers. Smashwords charges nothing up front, merely takes a small cut of any sales. Their site will automatically get your book into all the different ebook formats. You can charge any price you like, including giving the book away. In short, it’s a no-brainer.

Mark Coker, the founder of Smashwords has put together a short presentation about Smashwords. Check it out. Then check them out


This is a cross-posting from the Edward G. Talbot blog.